Holbeck Map, Satellite view of Holbeck, Nottinghamshire, England

Holbeck is located in Nottinghamshire County, Bassetlaw District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Holbeck

Latitude of city of Holbeck is 53.25519 and longitude of city of Holbeck is -1.18468. Holbeck has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Nottinghamshire.
The County of Holbeck is Nottinghamshire.

Postcode / zip code of Holbeck

S80 3

Administrative division of Holbeck

County :Nottinghamshire

GPS coordinates of Holbeck

Latitude : 53.25519
Longitude : -1.18468

Online Map of Holbeck - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Holbeck in the United Kingdom

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Holbeck weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Holbeck?

List of Railway Stations near to Holbeck
The nearest railway stations to Holbeck are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Holbeck
Creswell (Derbys) Station2.33 Km
Whitwell (Derbys) Station2.94 Km
Langwith Station3.07 Km
Shirebrook (Derbys) Station5.79 Km
Worksop Station7.49 Km
Shireoaks Station7.82 Km
Kiveton Park Station9.78 Km
Mansfield Woodhouse Station10.25 Km
Kiveton Bridge Station11.00 Km
Mansfield Town Station12.61 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Holbeck?

List of Stops near to Holbeck
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Holbeck are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Holbeck
Park Lane Bus Stop (opp 12)208 m
Park Lane Bus Stop (o/s 12)213 m
Main Gates Lodge Bus Stop (adj)502 m
Main Gates Lodge Bus Stop (opp)526 m
Dukeries Garden Centre Bus Stop (o/s)694 m
Dukeries Garden Centre Bus Stop (opp)699 m
Dukeries Garden Centre Bus Stop (in)786 m
Nursery Lodge Bus Stop (opp)985 m
Nursery Lodge Bus Stop (adj)993 m
Tile Kiln Wood Bus Stop (opp)1.06 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Holbeck

List of Historic places near to Holbeck

NameDistances from Holbeck
Bolsover Cundy House7.77 Km
Bolsover Castle7.89 Km
Clumber Park8.10 Km
Mr Straws House8.17 Km
Sutton Scarsdale Hall11.39 Km
Renishaw Hall12.11 Km
Hardwick Hall12.16 Km
Stainsby Mill12.67 Km
Hardwick Old Hall12.87 Km
Rufford Abbey13.43 Km
Hodsock Priory13.62 Km
Throapham, St Johns Church14.59 Km
Cities or Towns near Holbeck

List of places near to

Holbeck Woodhouse0.52 Km
Penny Green2.06 Km
Belph2.19 Km
Creswell2.21 Km
Whaley Thorns2.88 Km
Cuckney2.89 Km
Norton3.05 Km
Hodthorpe3.07 Km
Nether Langwith3.15 Km
Whaley3.54 Km
Whitwell3.57 Km
Bakestone Moor3.65 Km
Elmton4.21 Km
Whitwell Common4.73 Km
Upper Langwith4.81 Km
Darfoulds4.86 Km
Langwith4.94 Km
Langwith Junction5.12 Km
Church Warsop5.12 Km
Meden Vale5.28 Km
Warsop Vale5.53 Km
Clowne5.69 Km
Harlesthorpe5.84 Km
Market Warsop5.95 Km
Shirebrook6.02 Km
Carburton6.08 Km
Oxcroft6.37 Km
Oxcroft Estate6.39 Km
Sookholme6.63 Km
Rhodesia6.88 Km
Stanfree7.05 Km
Scarcliffe7.07 Km
Worksop7.09 Km
Woodhouse7.18 Km
Netherthorpe7.22 Km
Spion Kop7.23 Km
Limekiln Field7.38 Km
Manton7.42 Km
Hillstown7.62 Km
Bracebridge7.63 Km
Bolsover7.78 Km
Shuttlewood7.79 Km
Thorpe Salvin7.90 Km
Barlborough7.93 Km
Shireoaks7.96 Km
Budby8.02 Km
Turnerwood8.05 Km
Kilton8.18 Km
Gateford Common8.30 Km
Sunnyside8.33 Km