Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound) Location on a map of Kidmore End

The Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop is located on Village in Kidmore End South Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, South East. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound) by click this link. Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound) Map

Location informations for Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)

Name: Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)
Street: Village
Near Place: Kidmore End Turn
Town: Kidmore End
Locality: Kidmore End
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Oxfordshire
Region: South East
Indicator: Southbound
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: oxfgdwdw (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 340001606SHP
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.508049
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.993219
DMS coordinates : 51°30'28.97514972" N 0°59'35.588184" W
Current time and date at Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound) is 16:04:30 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound).

What is the nearest train station to Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)?

List of Railway Stations near to Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)
The nearest railway stations to Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)
Tilehurst Station4.79 Km
Reading Station5.67 Km
Reading West Station5.85 Km
Henley-On-Thames Station7.06 Km
Pangbourne Station7.19 Km
Shiplake Station7.66 Km
Wargrave Station8.15 Km
Earley Station9.09 Km
Twyford Station9.69 Km
Goring and Streatley Station9.79 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)?

List of Stops near to Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)
Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)0 m
Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Northbound)0 m
St Johns Church Bus Stop (opp)111 m
St Johns Church Bus Stop (o/s)128 m
Chiltern Edge School Bus Stop (o/s)687 m
Chiltern Edge School Bus Stop (opp)695 m
Garage DEL Bus Stop (outside)793 m
Kennylands Road Bus Stop (NW-bound)869 m
Kennylands Road Bus Stop (SE-bound)885 m
Westleigh Drive Bus Stop (opp)899 m

Airports Near to Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)

RAF Benson , UK (13.98 Km)

Cities or Towns near Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound) (15 km)

List of places near to Kidmore End DEL Bus Stop (Southbound)

Kidmore End0.12 Km
Gallowstree Common1.27 Km
Sonning Common1.33 Km
Shiplake Bottom1.34 Km
Chalkhouse Green1.53 Km
Tokers Green1.67 Km
Chazey Heath1.77 Km
Cane End2.03 Km
Trench Green2.21 Km
Peppard Hill2.47 Km
Crowsley2.57 Km
Rotherfield Peppard2.60 Km
Kingwood Common2.65 Km
Nuney Green2.75 Km
Emmer Green2.99 Km
Mapledurham3.69 Km
Hook End3.72 Km
Hemdean Bottom3.77 Km
Caversham Heights3.88 Km
Littlestead Green4.01 Km
Shepherd's Green4.05 Km
Rotherfield Greys4.07 Km
Collins End4.11 Km
Satwell4.23 Km
Greys Green4.28 Km
Dunsden Green4.47 Km
Goring Heath4.49 Km
Caversham4.67 Km
Exlade Street4.72 Km
Binfield Heath4.77 Km
Path Hill4.82 Km
Highmoor Cross4.89 Km
Purley on Thames5.08 Km
Play Hatch5.16 Km
Lower Caversham5.20 Km
Stoke Row5.21 Km
Checkendon5.22 Km
Witheridge Hill5.25 Km
Harpsden Bottom5.31 Km
Shiplake Row5.35 Km
Hill Bottom5.46 Km
Broadplat5.50 Km
Highmoor5.66 Km
Lower Highmoor5.71 Km
Whitchurch Hill5.77 Km
Woodcote6.11 Km
Sonning Eye6.16 Km
Reading6.18 Km
Tilehurst6.36 Km
Cray's Pond6.37 Km