Islay Glenegedal Airport Location on a map of Glenegedale

The Islay Glenegedal Airport is located in Glenegedale. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Islay Glenegedal Airport by click this link. Islay Glenegedal Airport Map

Location informations for Islay Glenegedal Airport

Name: Islay Glenegedal Airport
Street: -
Locality: Glenegedale
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Air
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9200ILY1
Latitude : 55.683793
Longitude : -6.248669
DMS coordinates : 55°41'1.65428772" N 6°14'55.20993288" W
Current time and date at Islay Glenegedal Airport is 16:45:43 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Dublin)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Islay Glenegedal Airport

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Islay Glenegedal Airport.

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Islay Glenegedal Airport?

List of Stops near to Islay Glenegedal Airport
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Islay Glenegedal Airport are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Islay Glenegedal Airport
Islay Glenegedal Airport0 m
Islay Airport Bus Stop (at)58 m
Islay Airport Bus Stop (opp)65 m
Allwynds Bus Stop (opp)1.64 Km
Allwynds Bus Stop (at)1.66 Km
Bridge Bus Stop (southbound)5.72 Km
Bridge Bus Stop (northbound)5.74 Km
Antrim View Bus Stop (at)6.41 Km
Antrim View Bus Stop (opp)6.42 Km
Charlotte Street Bus Stop (at 12)7.08 Km

Airports Near to Islay Glenegedal Airport

Islay Airport , UK (543 m)

Cities or Towns near Islay Glenegedal Airport (15 km)

List of places near to Islay Glenegedal Airport

Glenegedale1.66 Km
Leorin3.91 Km
Imeraval6.52 Km
Port Ellen / Port Eilein7.15 Km
Risabus8.18 Km
Bowmore / Bogh Mòr8.39 Km
Laphroaig8.43 Km
Mulindry8.83 Km
Lagavulin9.24 Km
Ardbeg9.86 Km
Port Charlotte / Port Sgioba10.27 Km
Bridgend / Beul an Atha10.88 Km
Nerabus11.03 Km
Daill11.46 Km
Newton of Kilmeny11.68 Km
Blackrock11.71 Km
Bruichladdich11.79 Km
Redhouses12.18 Km
Conisby12.33 Km
Ellister12.89 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Islay Glenegedal Airport

List of Historic places near to Islay Glenegedal Airport

NameDistances from Islay Glenegedal Airport
Cragabus Chambered Cairn6.34 Km
Carraig Fhada Lighthouse7.43 Km
Kilbride Standing Stone7.50 Km
Bowmore Round Church8.28 Km
Dun Nosebridge9.51 Km
Dunyvaig Castle9.70 Km
Museum of Islay Life10.41 Km
Nerabus Chapel and Carved Stones11.02 Km
American Monument11.60 Km
Kildalton Cross12.73 Km
Claggain Bay Standing Stone13.28 Km
Cultoon Stone Circle14.47 Km
Kilmeny Old Parish Church14.94 Km