Ingol Map, Satellite view of Ingol, Lancashire, England

Ingol is located in Lancashire County, Preston District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Ingol

Latitude of city of Ingol is 53.78150 and longitude of city of Ingol is -2.74254. Ingol has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Lancashire.
The County of Ingol is Lancashire.

Postcode / zip code of Ingol

PR2 3

Administrative division of Ingol

County :Lancashire

GPS coordinates of Ingol

Latitude : 53.78150
Longitude : -2.74254

Online Map of Ingol - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Ingol in the United Kingdom

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Ingol weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Ingol?

List of Railway Stations near to Ingol
The nearest railway stations to Ingol are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Ingol
Preston Station3.55 Km
Salwick Station4.89 Km
Lostock Hall Station7.32 Km
Bamber Bridge Station8.11 Km
Kirkham and Wesham Station9.24 Km
Leyland Station9.89 Km
Croston Station12.88 Km
Buckshaw Parkway Station13.17 Km
Moss Side Station13.30 Km
Pleasington Station14.20 Km

Airports Near to Ingol

Warton Airport , UK (10.08 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Ingol?

List of Stops near to Ingol
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Ingol are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Ingol
Dovedale Avenue Bus Stop (by)36 m
Ingol Shops Bus Stop (by)79 m
Redcar Avenue Bus Stop (by)180 m
Whitby Ave Bus Stop (by)205 m
Redcar Ave Bus Stop (opp)222 m
Hillcrest Avenue Bus Stop (by)256 m
Oaktree Ave Bus Stop (by)265 m
Cottam Hall Lane Bus Stop (opp)291 m
Whitby Ave Bus Stop (adj)291 m
Cottam Hall Lane Bus Stop (by)325 m

Historic Places to Visit near Ingol

List of Historic places near to Ingol

NameDistances from Ingol
Penwortham, St Marys Church3.31 Km
Becconsall Old Church10.77 Km
Samlesbury Hall11.27 Km
Hoghton Tower12.34 Km
Tarleton Old Church12.82 Km
Ribchester Roman Museum and Fort14.09 Km
Ribchester, St Wilfrids Church14.19 Km
Astley Hall Museum and Art Gallery14.93 Km
Cities or Towns near Ingol

List of places near to

Tanterton0.83 Km
Cadley1.14 Km
Cottam1.20 Km
Nog Tow1.22 Km
Ashton-on-Ribble1.46 Km
Nooklands1.56 Km
Lightfoot Green1.59 Km
Higher Bartle1.70 Km
Lea1.87 Km
Larches1.88 Km
Ashton Bank1.93 Km
Fulwood2.19 Km
Sharoe Green2.21 Km
Lower Bartle2.23 Km
Maudlands2.36 Km
Riverside Docklands2.46 Km
Adelphi2.80 Km
Gallows Hill2.81 Km
Sherwood3.18 Km
Woodplumpton3.28 Km
Broughton3.40 Km
Broadgate3.51 Km
Lea Town3.61 Km
Higher Penwortham3.61 Km
Penwortham3.61 Km
Preston3.71 Km
Swillbrook3.72 Km
Deepdale3.74 Km
Holme Slack4.05 Km
Lower Penwortham4.12 Km
Moor Side4.14 Km
Avenham4.14 Km
Fulwood Row4.20 Km
Blackleach4.31 Km
Howick Cross4.49 Km
Pudding Pie Nook4.56 Km
Haighton Top4.63 Km
Fishwick4.67 Km
Frenchwood4.77 Km
Middleforth Green4.77 Km
Newsham4.82 Km
Salwick4.85 Km
Black Pole4.86 Km
Clifton4.98 Km
Ribbleton5.07 Km
Brookfield5.08 Km
Willacy Lane End5.10 Km
Kingsfold5.20 Km
Catforth5.25 Km
Hutton5.54 Km