HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908) Location on a map of Holme upon Spalding Moor

The HOSM Runner End Bus Stop is located on Runner End in Holme upon Spalding Moor , East Riding of Yorkshire, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908) by click this link. HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908) Map

Location informations for HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)

Name: HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)
Street: Runner End
Near Place: Chapel Farm
Locality: Holme upon Spalding Moor
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: East Riding of Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: 22011908
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 22011908 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2200YEA11908
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.835001
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.778244
DMS coordinates : 53°50'6.00433332" N 0°46'41.6798958" W
Current time and date at HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908) is 20:19:21 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908).

What is the nearest train station to HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)?

List of Railway Stations near to HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)
The nearest railway stations to HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)
Eastrington Station8.90 Km
Howden Station9.50 Km
Gilberdyke Station10.14 Km
Wressle Station11.82 Km
Broomfleet Station12.65 Km
Saltmarshe Station12.74 Km
Goole Station15.78 Km
Brough Station17.78 Km
Selby Station19.63 Km
Rawcliffe Station20.19 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)?

List of Stops near to HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)
HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)0 m
Primary School Bus Stop (22001413)120 m
Pear Tree Farm Bus Stop (22011702)469 m
Village Hall Bus Stop (22000667)668 m
Pullet Farm Bus Stop (22000668)716 m
Blacksmiths Arms Bus Stop (22000666)740 m
Petrol Station Bus Stop (22000665)854 m
Prospect Farm Bus Stop (22001580)994 m
Water End Bus Stop (22011808)1.63 Km
Woodlands Farm Bus Stop (2200YEA11807)3.09 Km

Cities or Towns near HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908) (15 km)

List of places near to HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)

Holme-on-Spalding-Moor0.17 Km
Holme Upon Spalding Moor0.72 Km
Moor End1.22 Km
Sand Hole1.45 Km
Water End1.64 Km
Rascal Moor1.87 Km
High Garth2.76 Km
Harswell3.28 Km
Tollingham3.76 Km
Seaton Ross4.01 Km
Everingham4.24 Km
Bursea4.50 Km
Welham Bridge4.56 Km
Lakeside Cottages4.81 Km
Foggathorpe5.11 Km
Gribthorpe5.28 Km
Bielby5.65 Km
Laytham5.67 Km
Harlthorpe6.52 Km
Scamland6.53 Km
Spaldington6.61 Km
Thorpe le Street6.61 Km
Shiptonthorpe6.73 Km
Willitoft6.91 Km
North Cliffe6.94 Km
South Cliffe7.25 Km
Portington7.51 Km
Hive7.54 Km
Hayton7.66 Km
Melbourne7.89 Km
Sandholme7.93 Km
Market Weighton7.95 Km
Highfield8.20 Km
Thornton8.25 Km
Eastrington8.47 Km
Burnby8.62 Km
Newland9.12 Km
Allerthorpe9.23 Km
Bubwith9.25 Km
North Howden9.38 Km
Cheapsides9.39 Km
Sancton9.43 Km
Eight and Forty9.46 Km
Gilberdyke9.52 Km
Newport9.57 Km
Londesborough9.59 Km
Goodmanham9.63 Km
Scalby9.70 Km
Bennetland9.74 Km
Ellerton9.77 Km
Historic Places to Visit near HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)

List of Historic places near to HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)

NameDistances from HOSM Runner End Bus Stop (22011908)
Cherry Burton, St Michaels Church8.13 Km
Market Weighton, All Saints Church8.13 Km
Londesborough, All Saints Church9.55 Km
Goodmanham, All Hallows Church9.76 Km
Burnby Hall Gardens10.32 Km
North Newbald, St Nicholas Church10.82 Km
Howden Bishops Manor11.46 Km
Howden Minster11.58 Km
Warter, St James Church13.73 Km