Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp) Location on a map of Lower Basildon

The Hook End Lane Bus Stop is located on A329 in Lower Basildon , West Berkshire, South East. Vehicle travel South-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp) by click this link. Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp) Map

Location informations for Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)

Name: Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)
Street: A329
Near Place: Hook End Lane
Locality: Lower Basildon
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: West Berkshire
Region: South East
Indicator: Opp
Direction of Travel: South-East (SE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: brkgwdj (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 030053230002
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.509331
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.13243
DMS coordinates : 51°30'33.59316024" N 1°7'56.74784988" W
Current time and date at Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp) is 03:46:18 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp).

What is the nearest train station to Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)
The nearest railway stations to Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)
Goring and Streatley Station1.35 Km
Pangbourne Station3.94 Km
Cholsey Station7.00 Km
Tilehurst Station8.26 Km
Theale Station9.33 Km
Reading West Station11.53 Km
Aldermaston Station11.94 Km
Reading Station12.46 Km
Midgham Station12.99 Km
Didcot Parkway Station13.64 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)?

List of Stops near to Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)
Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)0 m
Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Adj)27 m
Tamarind Tree Bus Stop (opp)588 m
Tamarind Tree Bus Stop (adj)612 m
Three Stones Bus Stop (Adj)844 m
Three Stones Bus Stop (Opp)874 m
Lower Basildon flexi area Bus Stop (in)893 m
Park Wall Lane Bus Stop (NW-bound)893 m
Barn House Bus Stop (opp)894 m
Barn House Bus Stop (adj)901 m

Airports Near to Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)

RAF Benson , UK (12.17 Km)

Cities or Towns near Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Hook End Lane Bus Stop (Opp)

Lower Basildon0.90 Km
Goring1.50 Km
Streatley1.78 Km
Stitchens Green1.88 Km
Cleeve2.19 Km
Upper Basildon3.19 Km
Quick's Green3.32 Km
Little Heath3.34 Km
New Town3.36 Km
Cray's Pond3.63 Km
Whitchurch-on-Thames3.82 Km
Westridge Green3.87 Km
Whitchurch Hill3.88 Km
Stubbles4.11 Km
South Stoke4.15 Km
Hill Bottom4.19 Km
Pangbourne4.26 Km
Ashampstead Green4.30 Km
Ashampstead4.36 Km
Hungerford Green4.50 Km
Moulsford4.63 Km
Aldworth4.78 Km
Parsonage Green4.84 Km
Four Points4.86 Km
Woodcote4.87 Km
Path Hill4.95 Km
Goring Heath5.16 Km
Tidmarsh5.43 Km
Collins End5.55 Km
Burnt Hill6.02 Km
Exlade Street6.21 Km
Sulham6.44 Km
Ipsden6.46 Km
Purley on Thames6.55 Km
Bradfield6.69 Km
North Stoke6.85 Km
Nuney Green6.89 Km
Hook End6.98 Km
Yattendon7.02 Km
Mapledurham7.17 Km
Hailey7.23 Km
Checkendon7.44 Km
Cholsey7.45 Km
North Street7.48 Km
Englefield7.61 Km
Cane End7.64 Km
Hampstead Norreys7.96 Km
Aston Tirrold7.99 Km
Well Place8.08 Km
Parker's Corner8.09 Km