Holwellbury Map, Satellite view of Holwellbury, Bedfordshire, England

Holwellbury is located in Bedfordshire County, Central Bedfordshire, Eastern, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Holwellbury

Latitude of city of Holwellbury is 51.99824 and longitude of city of Holwellbury is -0.29884. Holwellbury has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Bedfordshire.
The County of Holwellbury is Bedfordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Holwellbury

SG5 3

Administrative division of Holwellbury

County :Bedfordshire

GPS coordinates of Holwellbury

Latitude : 51.99824
Longitude : -0.29884

Online Map of Holwellbury - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Holwellbury in the United Kingdom

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Holwellbury weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Holwellbury?

List of Railway Stations near to Holwellbury
The nearest railway stations to Holwellbury are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Holwellbury
Arlesey Station3.81 Km
Letchworth Station5.18 Km
Hitchin Station5.55 Km
Baldock Station7.64 Km
Biggleswade Station9.95 Km
Stevenage Station12.44 Km
Ashwell and Morden Station13.43 Km
Flitwick Station13.46 Km
Harlington Station14.07 Km
Sandy Station14.12 Km

Airports Near to Holwellbury

London Luton Airport , UK (14.54 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Holwellbury?

List of Stops near to Holwellbury
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Holwellbury are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Holwellbury
Ramerick Cottages Bus Stop (opp)78 m
Ramerick Cottages Bus Stop (nr)89 m
Bedford Road Bus Stop (opp Cherry Trees)418 m
Three Star Park Bus Stop (adj)605 m
Three Star Park Bus Stop (Opp)712 m
Bedford Road Greenwood Bus Stop (o/s)760 m
Bird In Hand Bus Stop (N-bound)1.03 Km
Bird In Hand Bus Stop (S-bound)1.08 Km
Bedford Road Bus Stop (W-bound)1.12 Km
Borton Avenue Bus Stop (opp)1.14 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Holwellbury
Cities or Towns near Holwellbury

List of places near to

Holwell1.38 Km
Lower Stondon1.45 Km
Upper Stondon2.04 Km
Snailswell2.26 Km
Arlesey2.48 Km
Lower Green2.92 Km
Cadwell3.01 Km
Ickleford3.37 Km
Burge End3.44 Km
Meppershall3.51 Km
Pirton3.62 Km
Church End3.67 Km
Upton End4.04 Km
Westmill4.10 Km
Henlow4.14 Km
Clifton4.29 Km
Shillington4.37 Km
Bury End4.55 Km
Woodmer End4.66 Km
Hillfoot End4.70 Km
Cliton Manor4.84 Km
Apsley End4.92 Km
Stotfold4.98 Km
Shefford5.10 Km
Walsworth5.26 Km
Letchworth5.27 Km
Campton5.31 Km
Hanscombe End5.35 Km
Hitchin5.57 Km
Upper Gravenhurst5.66 Km
Purwell5.69 Km
Stotfold Common5.75 Km
Lower Gravenhurst5.77 Km
Chicksands5.97 Km
Norton6.20 Km
Astwick6.27 Km
Radwell6.35 Km
Stanford6.37 Km
Sunnyside6.46 Km
Langford6.51 Km
Hitchin Hill6.52 Km
Pegsdon6.58 Km
Charlton6.63 Km
Higham Gobion6.78 Km
Oakfield6.84 Km
Willian6.90 Km
Little Offley7.04 Km
Hexton7.33 Km
Beadlow7.49 Km
Great Wymondley7.58 Km