Cliton Manor Map, Satellite view of Cliton Manor, Bedfordshire, England

Cliton Manor is located in Bedfordshire County, Central Bedfordshire, Eastern, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Cliton Manor

Latitude of city of Cliton Manor is 52.04167 and longitude of city of Cliton Manor is -0.30282. Cliton Manor has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Bedfordshire.
The County of Cliton Manor is Bedfordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Cliton Manor

SG17 5

Administrative division of Cliton Manor

County :Bedfordshire

GPS coordinates of Cliton Manor

Latitude : 52.04167
Longitude : -0.30282

Online Map of Cliton Manor - road map, satellite view and street view

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Cliton Manor weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Cliton Manor?

List of Railway Stations near to Cliton Manor
The nearest railway stations to Cliton Manor are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cliton Manor
Arlesey Station3.04 Km
Biggleswade Station5.57 Km
Letchworth Station8.51 Km
Sandy Station9.35 Km
Baldock Station9.57 Km
Hitchin Station10.19 Km
Ashwell and Morden Station13.26 Km
Flitwick Station13.83 Km
Kempston Hardwick Station14.85 Km
Bedford St.Johns Station14.90 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cliton Manor?

List of Stops near to Cliton Manor
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cliton Manor are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cliton Manor
All Saints' Church Bus Stop (o/s)271 m
All Saints' Church Bus Stop (opp)294 m
Bilberry Road Bus Stop (opp)491 m
Bilberry Road Bus Stop (adj)571 m
The Post Office Bus Stop (opp)636 m
The Post Office Bus Stop (o/s)663 m
Miles Drive Bus Stop (adj)719 m
Miles Drive Bus Stop (opp)737 m
The Joint Bus Stop (opp)756 m
The Joint Bus Stop (adj)790 m

Cities or Towns near Cliton Manor

List of places near to

Clifton0.56 Km
Henlow1.37 Km
Stanford1.54 Km
Shefford2.16 Km
Langford2.56 Km
Southill3.17 Km
Broom3.56 Km
Church End3.63 Km
Ireland3.72 Km
Meppershall3.73 Km
Campton3.87 Km
Holme3.91 Km
Chicksands3.92 Km
Upper Stondon4.25 Km
Arlesey4.62 Km
Lower Stondon4.62 Km
Holwellbury4.84 Km
Stotfold Common5.13 Km
Astwick5.37 Km
Old Warden5.49 Km
Stotfold5.60 Km
Biggleswade5.71 Km
Deadman's Cross5.79 Km
Bury End5.89 Km
Upton End5.89 Km
Edworth5.95 Km
Appley Corner6.08 Km
Ickwell Green6.08 Km
Beadlow6.09 Km
Holwell6.17 Km
Upper Gravenhurst6.19 Km
Ickwell6.27 Km
Woodmer End6.27 Km
Upper Caldecote6.39 Km
Warden Street6.39 Km
Hillfoot End6.47 Km
Shillington6.74 Km
Lower Gravenhurst6.81 Km
Hinxworth7.04 Km
Snailswell7.07 Km
Haynes7.11 Km
Lower Caldecote7.22 Km
Caldecote7.25 Km
Northill7.25 Km
Lower Green7.50 Km
Cadwell7.50 Km
Burge End7.51 Km
Hanscombe End7.55 Km
Radwell7.59 Km
Apsley End7.69 Km