Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound) Location on a map of Welburn

The Holmes Crescent Bus Stop is located in Welburn Ryedale, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel South-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound) by click this link. Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound) Map

Location informations for Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)

Name: Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)
Street: N/a
Near Place: Holmes Crescent
Town: N/A
Suburb: Welburn
Locality: Welburn
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: North Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: SE-bound
Direction of Travel: South-East (SE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 32096565 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 3200YNA96565
Bus Stop Latitude : 54.095455
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.882612
DMS coordinates : 54°5'43.63664208" N 0°52'57.40441968" W
Current time and date at Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound) is 13:48:17 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound).

What is the nearest train station to Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)?

List of Railway Stations near to Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)
The nearest railway stations to Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)
Malton Station6.90 Km
York Station20.56 Km
Poppleton Station21.87 Km
Hammerton Station28.43 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)?

List of Stops near to Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)
Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)0 m
Welburn Lodge Bus Stop (NE-bound)122 m
Welburn Lodge Bus Stop (SW-bound)199 m
Crambeck Bus Stop (SW-bound)286 m
Crambeck Bus Stop (NE-bound)355 m
Crown and Cushion Bus Stop (E-bound)1.38 Km
Crown and Cushion Bus Stop (W-bound)1.38 Km
Priory Bus Stop (opp)1.54 Km
Stone Trough Cottage Bus Stop (W-bound)1.56 Km
Whitwell Hill Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.70 Km

Airports Near to Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)

Full Sutton Airfield , UK (12.82 Km)

Cities or Towns near Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound) (15 km)

List of places near to Holmes Crescent Bus Stop (SE-bound)

Welburn0.02 Km
Crambeck0.50 Km
Kirkham1.54 Km
Firby1.56 Km
Whitwell-on-the-Hill1.60 Km
Crambe2.28 Km
High Hutton2.33 Km
Westow2.95 Km
Low Hutton3.07 Km
Bulmer3.16 Km
Huttons Ambo3.33 Km
Barton Hill3.46 Km
Menethorpe3.69 Km
Foston4.04 Km
Barton-le-Willows4.28 Km
Howsham4.29 Km
Coneysthorpe4.49 Km
Thornton-le-Clay5.08 Km
High Stittenham5.25 Km
Ganthorpe5.31 Km
Mowthorpe5.36 Km
Harton5.80 Km
Kennythorpe5.88 Km
Middlecave6.09 Km
Appleton-le-Street6.32 Km
Burythorpe6.41 Km
Amotherby6.50 Km
Swinton6.50 Km
Bossall6.54 Km
Langton6.62 Km
Leavening6.69 Km
Broughton6.89 Km
Leppington6.92 Km
Flaxton7.04 Km
Scrayingham7.06 Km
Terrington7.11 Km
Whitewall Corner7.12 Km
Malton7.13 Km
Barton-le-Street7.20 Km
Acklam7.52 Km
Norton-on-Derwent7.76 Km
Claxton8.06 Km
Sheriff Hutton8.12 Km
Slingsby8.33 Km
Wiganthorpe8.59 Km
West Lilling8.73 Km
Old Malton8.82 Km
Birdsall8.94 Km
Fryton8.97 Km
Buttercrambe9.18 Km