High Street Bus Stop (Stop J) Location on a map of Epsom

The High Street Bus Stop is located on High Street in Epsom Epsom and Ewell, Surrey, South East. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of High Street Bus Stop (Stop J) by click this link. High Street Bus Stop (Stop J) Map

Location informations for High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)

Name: High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)
Street: High Street
Near Place: McDonalds
Town: Epsom
Locality: Epsom
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Surrey
Region: South East
Indicator: Stop J
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: surajmpw (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 40004406039C
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.333774
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.265255
DMS coordinates : 51°20'1.5866772" N 0°15'54.91840788" W
Current time and date at High Street Bus Stop (Stop J) is 11:18:10 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of High Street Bus Stop (Stop J).

What is the nearest train station to High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)?

List of Railway Stations near to High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)
The nearest railway stations to High Street Bus Stop (Stop J) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)
Epsom Station254 m
Ewell West Station1.90 Km
Ewell East Station2.09 Km
Epsom Downs Station2.14 Km
Tattenham Corner Station3.16 Km
Ashtead Station3.43 Km
Stoneleigh Station3.49 Km
Banstead Station3.65 Km
Chessington South Station3.91 Km
Chessington North Station4.17 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)?

List of Stops near to High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to High Street Bus Stop (Stop J) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)
High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)0 m
High Street Bus Stop (Stop G)24 m
High Street Bus Stop (Stop K)66 m
Waterloo Road Bus Stop (Stop F)135 m
Methodist Church Bus Stop (Stop M)193 m
Epsom Rail Station (entrance)224 m
Clock Tower Bus Stop (Stop A)225 m
Epsom Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop L)229 m
Epsom Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop N)239 m
Epsom Rail Station254 m

Cities or Towns near High Street Bus Stop (Stop J) (15 km)

List of places near to High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)

Epsom0.14 Km
Livingstone Park1.74 Km
The Wells1.75 Km
Manor Park2.02 Km
Ewell2.07 Km
Epsom Downs2.14 Km
North Looe2.17 Km
Woodcote2.19 Km
East Ewell2.37 Km
Nork2.43 Km
West Ewell2.84 Km
Langley Vale3.17 Km
Great Burgh3.21 Km
Stoneleigh3.49 Km
Ashtead3.61 Km
Malden Rushett3.88 Km
Chessington3.89 Km
Lower Ashtead3.92 Km
Ashtead Common4.22 Km
Cheam4.26 Km
Banstead4.42 Km
Burgh Heath4.43 Km
Belmont4.65 Km
Worcester Park4.73 Km
North Cheam4.99 Km
Hook5.05 Km
Tadworth5.15 Km
Pachesham Park5.30 Km
Leatherhead Common5.37 Km
Worcester Park5.40 Km
Tolworth5.52 Km
Kingswood5.67 Km
Tyrrell's Wood5.70 Km
Walton on the Hill5.82 Km
Tyrell's Wood5.87 Km
Old Malden5.91 Km
Southborough5.94 Km
Headley5.96 Km
Claygate5.97 Km
Sutton6.01 Km
Kingswood Warren6.19 Km
Leatherhead6.20 Km
Carshalton Beeches6.23 Km
Oxshott6.36 Km
Berrylands6.44 Km
Motspur Park6.61 Km
Fetcham Grove6.62 Km
Woodmansterne6.67 Km
Long Ditton6.77 Km
Benhilton6.80 Km
Historic Places to Visit near High Street Bus Stop (Stop J)