Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12) Location on a map of Harrogate

The Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 is located on Station Parade in Harrogate Harrogate, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12) by click this link. Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12) Map

Location informations for Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)

Name: Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)
Street: Station Parade
Near Place: Cambridge Street
Town: Harrogate
Suburb: Harrogate
Locality: Harrogate
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: North Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: 12
NaptanCode: 32005003 (SMS Code)
AtcoCode: 3200YNA05003
Latitude : 53.994322
Longitude : -1.538449
DMS coordinates : 53°59'39.55742124" N 1°32'18.41734248" W
Current time and date at Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12) is 17:36:16 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12).

What is the nearest train station to Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)?

List of Railway Stations near to Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)
The nearest railway stations to Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)
Harrogate Station138 m
Hornbeam Park Station1.78 Km
Starbeck Station2.49 Km
Pannal Station4.02 Km
Knaresborough Station4.74 Km
Weeton Station8.39 Km
Cattal Station14.25 Km
Hammerton Station16.63 Km
Burley-In-Wharfedale Station17.02 Km
Menston Station17.17 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)?

List of Stops near to Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)
Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)0 m
Hgte Bus Stn Stand 11 (11)3 m
Hgte Bus Stn Stand 13 Bus Stop (13)6 m
Hgte Bus Stn Stand 10 (10)7 m
Bus Stn 9 (adj)8 m
Hgte Bus Stn Stand 8 (8)13 m
Bus Station (adj)15 m
Hgte Bus Stn Stand 7 (7)18 m
Hgte Bus Stn Stand 6 (6)19 m
Bus Stn Stand 5 (5)24 m

Cities or Towns near Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12) (15 km)

List of places near to Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)

Harrogate0.31 Km
Low Harrogate0.43 Km
High Harrogate0.75 Km
Bilton1.66 Km
Jennyfield1.70 Km
New Park1.83 Km
Oatlands1.83 Km
Harlow Carr2.09 Km
Harlow Hill2.18 Km
Woodlands2.24 Km
Killinghall Moor2.45 Km
Pannal Ash2.47 Km
Rossett Green2.49 Km
Knox2.53 Km
Oakdale2.58 Km
Old Bilton2.62 Km
Starbeck3.05 Km
Forest Lane Head3.30 Km
Crimple3.34 Km
Moorside3.64 Km
Killinghall3.65 Km
Beckwith3.72 Km
Pannal3.78 Km
Hampsthwaite Hollins3.83 Km
Daw Cross3.91 Km
Burn Bridge3.96 Km
Forest Moor4.00 Km
Follifoot4.08 Km
Spacey Houses4.12 Km
Saltergate Hill / Mount Pleasant4.24 Km
Nidd4.31 Km
Scotton4.45 Km
Beckwithshaw4.46 Km
Calcutt4.65 Km
Brackenthwaite4.68 Km
Tentergate4.74 Km
Thistle Hill4.74 Km
Knaresborough5.04 Km
Rowden5.25 Km
New Scriven5.34 Km
Scriven5.41 Km
Hampsthwaite5.49 Km
Ripley5.51 Km
Plumpton Rocks5.75 Km
Brearton5.77 Km
Swincliffe5.95 Km
Clint6.02 Km
Shawfield Head6.26 Km
Kirkby Overblow6.49 Km
North Rigton6.69 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Hgte Bus Stn Stand 12 (12)