Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha) Location on a map of Hampton in Arden Solihull

The Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station is located in Hampton in Arden Solihull, West Midlands, West Midlands.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha) by click this link. Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha) Map

Location informations for Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)

Name: Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)
Locality: Hampton in Arden
Parent Locality: Solihull
Unitary Authority Area: West Midlands
Region: West Midlands
Indicator: Entr To Birmingha
AtcoCode: 4300HMPTNIA2
Latitude : 52.428926
Longitude : -1.700167
DMS coordinates : 52°25'44.13304524" N 1°42'0.59976432" W
Current time and date at Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha) is 16:03:21 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha).

What is the nearest train station to Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)?

List of Railway Stations near to Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)
The nearest railway stations to Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)
Hampton-In-Arden Station20 m
Birmingham International Station2.99 Km
Berkswell Station5.35 Km
Marston Green Station5.68 Km
Solihull Station6.20 Km
Widney Manor Station6.23 Km
Olton Station7.14 Km
Dorridge Station7.26 Km
Tile Hill Station7.95 Km
Lea Hall Station8.18 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)?

List of Stops near to Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)
Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)0 m
Hampton In Arden Stn Bus Stop (adj)7 m
Hampton In Arden Stn Bus Stop (opp)14 m
Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station19 m
Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr Side)28 m
Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr Main)39 m
Diddington Lane Bus Stop (opp)423 m
Diddington Lane Bus Stop (adj)437 m
White Lion Bus Stop (opp)468 m
White Lion Bus Stop (opp)474 m

Airports Near to Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)

Birmingham International Airport , UK (4.27 Km)

Cities or Towns near Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha) (15 km)

List of places near to Hampton-in-Arden Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)

Hampton in Arden0.36 Km
Walsal End1.88 Km
Middle Bickenhill2.24 Km
Bickenhill2.28 Km
Eastcote2.32 Km
Bradnock's Marsh2.56 Km
Catherine-de-Barnes2.79 Km
Barston3.15 Km
Little Packington3.40 Km
Meriden3.74 Km
Wootton Green3.98 Km
Four Oaks4.03 Km
Elmdon4.11 Km
White Stitch4.15 Km
Elmdon Heath4.32 Km
Copt Heath4.51 Km
Berkswell4.55 Km
Balsall Street5.03 Km
Knowle5.09 Km
Temple Balsall5.13 Km
Lodge Green5.16 Km
Lode Heath5.17 Km
Marston Green5.22 Km
Balsall Common5.34 Km
Solihull5.55 Km
Benton Green5.56 Km
Eaves Green5.60 Km
Balsall5.63 Km
Olton5.70 Km
Tilehouse Green5.89 Km
Chelmsley Wood6.06 Km
Flint's Green6.08 Km
Sedgemere6.10 Km
Rotten Row6.19 Km
Sheldon6.27 Km
Kinwalsey6.31 Km
Bentley Heath6.31 Km
Millison's Wood6.32 Km
Carol Green6.32 Km
Maxstoke6.44 Km
Knowle Grove6.48 Km
Fordbridge6.67 Km
Reeves Green6.74 Km
Heronfield6.81 Km
Pinkett's Booth6.84 Km
Catchems Corner6.90 Km
Bacon's End6.91 Km
Hockley6.92 Km
Pickford Green6.93 Km
Ulverley Green6.97 Km