Guinness Bus Stop Location on a map of Preston Brook Runcorn

The Guinness Bus Stop is located on Busway (Whitehouse) in Preston Brook , Halton, North West. Vehicle travel South-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Guinness Bus Stop by click this link. Guinness Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Guinness Bus Stop

Name: Guinness Bus Stop
Street: Busway (Whitehouse)
Near Place: Guinness
Town: Runcorn
Suburb: Preston Brook
Locality: Preston Brook
Parent Locality: Runcorn
Unitary Authority Area: Halton
Region: North West
Direction of Travel: South-West (SW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: haladamg (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 068000000034
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.313851
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.657679
DMS coordinates : 53°18'49.862907" N 2°39'27.64382112" W
Current time and date at Guinness Bus Stop is 04:37:46 (12/19/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Guinness Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Guinness Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Guinness Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Guinness Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Guinness Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Guinness Bus Stop
Runcorn East Station1.62 Km
Frodsham Station4.82 Km
Runcorn Station6.08 Km
Acton Bridge Station6.39 Km
Helsby Station8.68 Km
Sankey For Penketh Station8.75 Km
Widnes Station8.78 Km
Warrington Bank Quay Station8.82 Km
Cuddington Station9.09 Km
Delamere Station9.48 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Guinness Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Guinness Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Guinness Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Guinness Bus Stop
Aston Lane Bus Stop111 m
Aston Lane Bus Stop136 m
Chester Road Bus Stop195 m
Cearns & Brown Bus Stop208 m
Cearns & Brown Bus Stop244 m
BT O2 Contract Terminus Bus Stop (opp)269 m
Whitehouse Industrial Estate Bus Stop287 m
YKK Bus Stop302 m
YKK Bus Stop311 m
Chester Road Bus Stop324 m

Airports Near to Guinness Bus Stop

Liverpool John Lennon Airport , UK (12.94 Km)

Cities or Towns near Guinness Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Guinness Bus Stop

Whitehouse0.13 Km
Aston Heath0.91 Km
Preston Brook1.01 Km
Preston on the Hill1.29 Km
Dutton1.36 Km
Murdishaw1.38 Km
Aston1.62 Km
Norton Cross1.73 Km
Sutton Weaver1.80 Km
Brookvale1.91 Km
Town Park1.92 Km
Norton2.26 Km
Palace Fields2.55 Km
Windmill Hill2.57 Km
Daresbury2.61 Km
Hallwood Park2.82 Km
Beechwood2.85 Km
Daresbury Delph2.91 Km
Halton Lea2.94 Km
Halton Village3.02 Km
The Brow3.38 Km
Sandymoor3.58 Km
Castlefields3.59 Km
Clifton3.65 Km
Keckwick3.88 Km
Halton Brook3.88 Km
Newtown4.04 Km
Manor Park4.06 Km
Bradley4.15 Km
Grange4.24 Km
Stenhills4.29 Km
Hatton4.43 Km
Astmoor4.53 Km
Heath4.57 Km
Moore4.77 Km
Fivecrosses4.88 Km
Overton4.90 Km
Rocksavage5.03 Km
Dones Green5.12 Km
Bartington5.17 Km
Norcott Brook5.19 Km
Frodsham5.19 Km
Kingsley5.20 Km
Lower Whitley5.20 Km
Marsh Green5.44 Km
Weston5.46 Km
Crowton5.49 Km
Cooksongreen5.49 Km
Higher Whitley5.51 Km
Higher Runcorn5.62 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Guinness Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to Guinness Bus Stop

NameDistances from Guinness Bus Stop
Great Budworth, St Mary and All Saints Church10.38 Km
Arley Hall11.17 Km
20 Forthlin Road12.58 Km
Speke Hall14.57 Km