Glasgow School of Art Informations and Address Location Map

Glasgow School of Art is a university located in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Here you will find Information on the Glasgow School of Art in Glasgow - United Kingdom (UK). For information on admission, please contact the Glasgow School of Art directly or visit the official website of the university. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Glasgow School of Art by click this link. Glasgow School of Art Map

Location informations for Glasgow School of Art

Postal Address : Glasgow School of Art
Renfrew Street
G3 6RQ
United Kingdom
Postcode : G3 6RQ
Latitude : 55.86595
Longitude : -4.263391
GPS Coordinates: 55° 51.957 N -4° 15.803 W
DMS coordinates: 55°51'57.42" N 4°15'48.2076" W
Current time and date at Glasgow School of Art is 18:55:51 (12/24/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Web Site : Official Glasgow School of Art Web site can be visited by Click Here
Wikipedia Page : Glasgow School of Art Wikipedia Informations Page can be visited by Click Here
GTR ID: A334C885-B5AA-4A42-8CDD-EB6A11B853A2
For information on available University Courses, Master Degree Programs, PhD Degree Programs, Accommodation Fees, area of studies, tuition fees for our various degree programs as well as other university fees, admission, facilities and services please contact the Glasgow School of Art directly or visit the official website of the Glasgow School of Art.

Location Map of Glasgow School of Art - road map, satellite view and street view

What is the nearest train station to Glasgow School of Art?

List of Railway Stations near to Glasgow School of Art
The nearest railway stations to Glasgow School of Art are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Glasgow School of Art
Charing Cross (Glasgow) Station425 m
Glasgow Central Station775 m
Anderston Station822 m
Glasgow Queen Street Station853 m
Argyle Street Station1.25 Km
Exhibition Centre Glasgow Station1.35 Km
High Street Station1.62 Km
Bellgrove Station2.64 Km
Ashfield Station2.70 Km
Possilpark and Parkhouse Station2.71 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Glasgow School of Art?

List of Stops near to Glasgow School of Art
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Glasgow School of Art are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Glasgow School of Art
Dalhousie Street Bus Stop (before)51 m
Sauchiehall lane Bus Stop (before)106 m
Dental Hospital Bus Stop (Stop 2)134 m
Douglas Street Bus Stop (after)146 m
Pitt Street Bus Stop (before)150 m
Dental Hospital Bus Stop (Stop 1)154 m
Pitt Street Bus Stop (After)181 m
Sauchiehall Street Bus Stop (at)195 m
Bath Lane Bus Stop (at)208 m
Berkeley House Bus Stop (Opp)260 m

Airports Near to Glasgow School of Art

Glasgow City Heliport , UK (2.15 Km)

Glasgow International Airport , UK (10.61 Km)

Cities or Towns near Glasgow School of Art (15 km)

List of places near to Glasgow School of Art

Garnethill0.12 Km
Blythswood New Town0.50 Km
Cowcaddens0.59 Km
Anderston0.65 Km
Woodside0.83 Km
Broomielaw0.91 Km
Woodlands0.93 Km
Port Dundas1.10 Km
Kelvingrove Park1.10 Km
Kingston1.26 Km
Lancefield1.26 Km
Merchant City1.30 Km
Hamiltonhill1.39 Km
St Enochs1.43 Km
Finnieston1.47 Km
Townhead1.54 Km
Firhill1.67 Km
Glasgow1.67 Km
Kelvingrove1.70 Km
Hillhead1.75 Km
Sighthill1.79 Km
Tradeston1.81 Km
Yorkhill1.84 Km
Gorbals1.98 Km
Calton1.98 Km
North Kelvin2.08 Km
Kinning Park2.11 Km
Royston2.12 Km
Port Eglinton2.14 Km
Hutchesontown2.35 Km
Riverside2.37 Km
Possil Park2.40 Km
Dowanhill2.44 Km
Cowlairs2.44 Km
Ruchill2.48 Km
Partick2.52 Km
Cessnock2.67 Km
Kelvinside2.68 Km
Summertown2.74 Km
Partickhill2.84 Km
Springburn2.96 Km
Parkhouse3.01 Km
Wyndford3.02 Km
Hyndland3.03 Km
Ibrox3.12 Km
Bridgeton3.14 Km
Moorpark3.15 Km
Strathbungo3.19 Km
Govanhill3.22 Km
Camlachie3.29 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Glasgow School of Art

List of Historic places near to Glasgow School of Art

NameDistances from Glasgow School of Art
Botanic Gardens, Glasgow2.14 Km
Pollok House5.32 Km
Holmwood House6.11 Km
Crookston Castle6.76 Km
Bearsden Bath House7.16 Km
Greenbank Garden9.55 Km
Paisley Abbey9.72 Km
Barochan Cross9.72 Km
Paisley Museum10.80 Km
Bothwell Castle12.28 Km