George Street Bus Stop (Stop C) Location on a map of Corby

The George Street Bus Stop is located on George Street in Corby Corby, Northamptonshire, East Midlands. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of George Street Bus Stop (Stop C) by click this link. George Street Bus Stop (Stop C) Map

Location informations for George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)

Name: George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)
Street: George Street
Near Place: o/s Neville House
Suburb: Corby
Locality: Corby
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Northamptonshire
Region: East Midlands
Indicator: Stop C
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: nthdatdm (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 300000574N
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.488002
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.703427
DMS coordinates : 52°29'16.80643248" N 0°42'12.33748908" W
Current time and date at George Street Bus Stop (Stop C) is 18:41:25 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of George Street Bus Stop (Stop C).

What is the nearest train station to George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)?

List of Railway Stations near to George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)
The nearest railway stations to George Street Bus Stop (Stop C) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)
Corby Station1.03 Km
Kettering Station10.67 Km
Market Harborough Station13.97 Km
Wellingborough Station20.56 Km
Oakham Station20.59 Km
Stamford Station23.32 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)?

List of Stops near to George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to George Street Bus Stop (Stop C) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)
George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)0 m
George Street Bus Stop (Stop G)49 m
George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)54 m
George St (Stop B) Bus Stop (DEL)60 m
George Street Bus Stop (Stop B)78 m
George Street Bus Stop (Stop F)79 m
George Street Bus Stop (Stop E)112 m
George Street Bus Stop (Stop A)125 m
George Street Bus Stop (Stop D)129 m
Anne St Stop G Bus Stop (DEL)139 m

Cities or Towns near George Street Bus Stop (Stop C) (15 km)

List of places near to George Street Bus Stop (Stop C)

Corby0.15 Km
Great Oakley2.81 Km
Little Oakley3.15 Km
Rockingham3.68 Km
Stanion3.72 Km
Cottingham4.02 Km
Middleton4.43 Km
Weldon4.68 Km
Carlton Purlieus4.75 Km
East Carlton4.93 Km
Newton5.14 Km
Caldecott5.26 Km
Bringhurst5.36 Km
Pipewell5.36 Km
Great Easton5.61 Km
Gretton5.81 Km
Geddington5.84 Km
Drayton6.24 Km
Wilbarston6.70 Km
Rushton6.91 Km
Brigstock7.11 Km
Deene7.60 Km
Stoke Albany7.62 Km
Weekley7.83 Km
Thorpe by Water8.09 Km
Deenethorpe8.25 Km
Nevill Holt8.36 Km
Lyddington8.56 Km
Warkton8.72 Km
Ashley8.87 Km
Stoke Dry8.90 Km
Grafton Underwood9.12 Km
Brampton Ash9.17 Km
Medbourne9.29 Km
Harringworth9.44 Km
Desborough9.49 Km
Rothwell9.69 Km
Bulwick9.87 Km
Seaton9.91 Km
Kettering9.94 Km
Stockerston10.00 Km
Upper Benefield10.07 Km
Laxton10.20 Km
Blaston10.30 Km
Thorpe Malsor10.60 Km
Sudborough10.71 Km
Weston by Welland10.75 Km
Dingley10.93 Km
Sutton Bassett11.09 Km
Bisbrooke11.10 Km