Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB) Location on a map of Hoxton London

The Geffrye Museum Bus Stop is located in Hoxton Hackney, Greater London, London. Vehicle travel North from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB) by click this link. Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB) Map

Location informations for Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)

Name: Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)
Street: ---
Near Place: ---
Locality: Hoxton
Parent Locality: London
Unitary Authority Area: Greater London
Region: London
Indicator: Stop WB
Direction of Travel: North (N)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 54155 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 490007155N
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.53231
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.077205
DMS coordinates : 51°31'56.31604068" N 0°4'37.9379658" W
Current time and date at Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB) is 12:33:01 (01/03/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB).

What is the nearest train station to Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)?

List of Railway Stations near to Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)
The nearest railway stations to Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)
Hoxton Station137 m
Haggerston Station718 m
Shoreditch High Street Station1.00 Km
Old Street Station1.06 Km
Cambridge Heath Station1.38 Km
Bethnal Green Station1.54 Km
Dalston Junction Station1.54 Km
Essex Road Station1.62 Km
Liverpool Street Station1.62 Km
London Fields Station1.67 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)?

List of Stops near to Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)
Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)0 m
Pearson Street Bus Stop (Stop KB)62 m
Hoxton Station Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop KN)80 m
Hoxton Rail Station137 m
St Leonards Hospital Bus Stop (Stop KM)153 m
Hoxton Rail Station (Entrance 1)168 m
Hoxton Rail Station (Entrance 2)177 m
Falkirk St Hoxton Station Bus Stop (Stop PV)182 m
Falkirk St Hackney College Bus Stop (Stop PS)192 m
St Leonards Hospital Bus Stop (Stop KC)222 m

Airports Near to Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)

London City Airport , UK (9.65 Km)

London Heliport , UK (9.93 Km)

Cities or Towns near Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB) (15 km)

List of places near to Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)

Haggerston0.53 Km
Hoxton0.63 Km
Shoreditch0.97 Km
De Beauvoir Town1.00 Km
Kingsland1.12 Km
Spitalfields1.44 Km
Cambridge Heath1.49 Km
St Luke's1.52 Km
Dalston1.54 Km
Bethnal Green1.57 Km
Hackney Central1.73 Km
Whitechapel1.86 Km
Barbican1.86 Km
Islington1.87 Km
Canonbury1.97 Km
Angel2.03 Km
Hackney2.05 Km
Clerkenwell2.11 Km
Aldgate2.13 Km
Globe Town2.14 Km
Farringdon2.23 Km
London2.25 Km
Stepney2.27 Km
South Hackney2.28 Km
Finsbury2.32 Km
Pentonville2.37 Km
Shacklewell2.39 Km
Tower Hill2.65 Km
Wapping2.86 Km
St George in the East2.89 Km
Barnsbury2.89 Km
Blackfriars2.92 Km
Hitchin Square2.93 Km
King's Cross2.95 Km
Holborn2.99 Km
Lower Clapton3.00 Km
Highbury3.02 Km
Homerton3.06 Km
Bow3.08 Km
Bankside3.11 Km
West Hackney3.12 Km
Shadwell3.23 Km
Stoke Newington3.24 Km
Temple3.25 Km
Ratcliff3.27 Km
Mile End3.30 Km
Festubert Place3.32 Km
The Borough3.38 Km
Old Ford3.43 Km
St Pancras3.43 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Geffrye Museum Bus Stop (Stop WB)