Frodsham Rail Station Location on a map of Frodsham

The Frodsham Rail Station is located in Frodsham. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Frodsham Rail Station by click this link. Frodsham Rail Station Map

Location informations for Frodsham Rail Station

Name: Frodsham Rail Station
Street: -
Locality: Frodsham
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Rail
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9100FRDSHM
Latitude : 53.295815
Longitude : -2.723567
DMS coordinates : 53°17'44.9341026" N 2°43'24.8405538" W
Current time and date at Frodsham Rail Station is 06:05:58 (12/19/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Frodsham Rail Station

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Frodsham Rail Station.

What is the nearest train station to Frodsham Rail Station?

List of Railway Stations near to Frodsham Rail Station
The nearest railway stations to Frodsham Rail Station are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Frodsham Rail Station
Frodsham Station0 m
Helsby Station3.91 Km
Runcorn Station4.88 Km
Runcorn East Station5.22 Km
Ince and Elton Station6.54 Km
Mouldsworth Station7.14 Km
Stanlow and Thornton Station8.11 Km
Delamere Station8.36 Km
Acton Bridge Station8.64 Km
Hough Green Station9.18 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Frodsham Rail Station?

List of Stops near to Frodsham Rail Station
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Frodsham Rail Station are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Frodsham Rail Station
Frodsham Rail Station0 m
Frodsham Rail Station (Side Entrance)21 m
Frodsham Rail Station (Main Entrance)34 m
Devonshire Bakery Bus Stop (o/s)111 m
High Street (Taxi Rank)112 m
Bridge Stores Bus Stop (opp)125 m
Bridge Stores Bus Stop (o/s)129 m
Co-op Bus Stop (opp)129 m
Bears Paw Bus Stop (nr)182 m
Lloyds TSB Bank Bus Stop (o/s)224 m

Airports Near to Frodsham Rail Station

Liverpool John Lennon Airport , UK (9.37 Km)

Cities or Towns near Frodsham Rail Station (15 km)

List of places near to Frodsham Rail Station

Frodsham0.38 Km
Marsh Green0.64 Km
Newtown0.78 Km
Overton0.95 Km
Netherton1.10 Km
Bradley1.57 Km
Fivecrosses2.01 Km
Clifton2.07 Km
Rocksavage2.49 Km
Beechwood2.63 Km
Sutton Weaver3.02 Km
Heath3.04 Km
Newton3.16 Km
Weston3.18 Km
Grange3.31 Km
Hallwood Park3.39 Km
Palace Fields3.59 Km
Weston Point3.63 Km
Brookvale3.65 Km
Kingswood3.82 Km
Halton Lea3.89 Km
Helsby3.90 Km
Halton Brook3.96 Km
Aston4.11 Km
Higher Runcorn4.16 Km
Town Park4.22 Km
Westfield4.24 Km
Alvanley4.39 Km
Stenhills4.44 Km
Aston Heath4.47 Km
The Brow4.49 Km
Kingsley4.51 Km
Halton Village4.59 Km
Whitehouse4.75 Km
Castlefields4.80 Km
Norton Cross4.91 Km
Murdishaw5.02 Km
Runcorn5.13 Km
Dukesfield5.20 Km
New Pale5.43 Km
Astmoor5.51 Km
Norton5.53 Km
Preston Brook5.71 Km
Hapsford5.75 Km
Buckoak5.79 Km
Windmill Hill5.82 Km
Dutton5.86 Km
Manley Common5.92 Km
Preston on the Hill6.01 Km
West Bank6.23 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Frodsham Rail Station

List of Historic places near to Frodsham Rail Station

NameDistances from Frodsham Rail Station
20 Forthlin Road9.29 Km
Speke Hall10.95 Km
Mendips13.77 Km
Great Budworth, St Mary and All Saints Church14.53 Km