Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s) Location on a map of Mallaig

The Ferry Terminal Bus Stop is located on Pier in Mallaig , Highland, Scotland. Vehicle travel North-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s) by click this link. Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s) Map

Location informations for Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)

Name: Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)
Street: Pier
Near Place: Ferry Terminal
Locality: Mallaig
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Highland
Region: Scotland
Indicator: o/s
Direction of Travel: North-East (NE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 45326835 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 670088829
Bus Stop Latitude : 57.006799
Bus Stop Longitude : -5.829565
DMS coordinates : 57°0'24.4767096" N 5°49'46.43244444" W
Current time and date at Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s) is 21:39:50 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Dublin)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s).

What is the nearest train station to Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)?

List of Railway Stations near to Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)
The nearest railway stations to Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)
Mallaig Station89 m
Morar Station4.15 Km
Arisaig Station10.50 Km
Beasdale Station12.57 Km
Lochailort Station17.24 Km
Glenfinnan Station27.47 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)?

List of Stops near to Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)
Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)0 m
Mallaig Rail Station (at)85 m
Mallaig Rail Station90 m
Mallaig (CalMac) Ferry Terminal90 m
Mallaig (for Knoydart) Ferry Terminal151 m
Mallaig (CalMac) Ferry Terminal (Pier)184 m
Service Point Bus Stop (opp)213 m
Service Point Bus Stop (o/s)219 m
Primary School Bus Stop (o/s)386 m
Fire Station Bus Stop (at)546 m

Cities or Towns near Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s) (15 km)

List of places near to Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)

Mallaig / Malaig0.07 Km
Courteachan0.99 Km
Malaig Bheag1.24 Km
Glasnacardoch / las na Cardaich1.65 Km
Mallaigmore1.96 Km
Beoraidbeg3.64 Km
Morar4.23 Km
Bracora / Bracara5.65 Km
Glenancross5.66 Km
Sandaig6.31 Km
Bracorina6.76 Km
Calligarry7.46 Km
Ardvasar / Àird a' Bhasair7.49 Km
Scottas7.68 Km
Armadale / Armadail7.86 Km
Portnaluchaig7.91 Km
Bunacaimb / Bun na Caim8.42 Km
Aultvoulin8.96 Km
Aird / An Àird9.07 Km
Kilbeg9.22 Km
Airor9.37 Km
Kinloid / Ceann an Leothaid9.45 Km
Back of Keppoch / Cùl na Ceapaich9.45 Km
Inverie9.49 Km
Lettermorar9.66 Km
Kilmore10.09 Km
Ferindonald / Fearann Dhomhnaill10.82 Km
Arisaig / Àrasaig10.87 Km
Point of Sleat11.52 Km
Saasaig / Sàsaig11.57 Km
Teangue / An Teanga11.85 Km
Druimindarroch12.24 Km
Tarbet / An Tairbeart12.40 Km
Inverguseran12.43 Km
Swordland12.66 Km
Camascross / Camus Croise14.14 Km
Achnacloich14.63 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)

List of Historic places near to Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)

NameDistances from Ferry Terminal Bus Stop (o/s)
Armadale Castle Gardens and Museum of the Isles7.61 Km
Knock Castle12.08 Km
Princes Cairn, Loch nan Uamh13.44 Km