Etchingham Rail Station Location on a map of Etchingham

The Etchingham Rail Station is located in Etchingham. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Etchingham Rail Station by click this link. Etchingham Rail Station Map

Location informations for Etchingham Rail Station

Name: Etchingham Rail Station
Street: -
Locality: Etchingham
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Rail
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9100ETCHNGM
Latitude : 51.010546
Longitude : 0.442356
DMS coordinates : 51°0'37.9661958" N 0°26'32.482965264" E
Current time and date at Etchingham Rail Station is 16:04:52 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Etchingham Rail Station

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Etchingham Rail Station.

What is the nearest train station to Etchingham Rail Station?

List of Railway Stations near to Etchingham Rail Station
The nearest railway stations to Etchingham Rail Station are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Etchingham Rail Station
Etchingham Station0 m
Robertsbridge Station3.40 Km
Stonegate Station5.59 Km
Wadhurst Station11.42 Km
Battle Station11.46 Km
Crowhurst Station14.18 Km
Frant Station14.66 Km
Doleham Station15.57 Km
Three Oaks Station17.06 Km
Crowborough Station18.23 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Etchingham Rail Station?

List of Stops near to Etchingham Rail Station
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Etchingham Rail Station are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Etchingham Rail Station
Etchingham Rail Station0 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (o/s)5 m
Etchingham Rail Station (Main entrance)13 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (o/s)17 m
Etchingham Rail Station (entrance)39 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (adj)75 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (opp)102 m
Church Lane Bus Stop (opp)218 m
Church Lane Bus Stop (adj)314 m
Burgh Hill Bus Stop (adj)399 m

Cities or Towns near Etchingham Rail Station (15 km)

List of places near to Etchingham Rail Station

Etchingham0.23 Km
Burgh Hill1.03 Km
Willard's Hill1.80 Km
Hurst Green2.12 Km
Silver Hill2.35 Km
Cooper's Corner2.62 Km
Swiftsden2.76 Km
Northbridge Street3.39 Km
Robertsbridge3.58 Km
Salehurst3.97 Km
Burwash4.21 Km
Berner's Hill4.30 Km
Cottenden4.37 Km
Dale Hill4.62 Km
Seacox Heath4.68 Km
Ticehurst4.68 Km
Flimwell4.90 Km
Stonegate5.11 Km
The Moor5.23 Km
Oxley's Green5.23 Km
Union Street5.28 Km
Holton Hill5.29 Km
High Street5.60 Km
Three Leg Cross5.61 Km
Tolhurst5.74 Km
Wallcrouch5.82 Km
Bardown5.86 Km
Hollingrove5.90 Km
John's Cross6.01 Km
Brightling6.06 Km
Hawkhurst6.26 Km
Highgate6.41 Km
Twelve Oaks6.54 Km
Little Conghurst6.54 Km
Witherenden Hill6.55 Km
Bodiam6.71 Km
Burwash Weald6.85 Km
Peter's Green6.86 Km
Vinehall Street6.90 Km
Birchett's Green6.93 Km
Stonecrouch6.96 Km
Mountfield7.00 Km
Cackle Street7.04 Km
Beal's Green7.04 Km
Four Throws7.11 Km
Pipsden7.20 Km
Shover's Green7.37 Km
Darwell Hole7.43 Km
Gill's Green7.47 Km
Sandhurst Cross7.49 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Etchingham Rail Station