Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) Location on a map of Dereham

The Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) is located in Dereham. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) by click this link. Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) Map

Location informations for Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)

Name: Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)
Street: -
Locality: Dereham
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Tram
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9400ZZMNDER
Latitude : 52.678822
Longitude : 0.947495
DMS coordinates : 52°40'43.7588778" N 0°56'50.982387972" E
Current time and date at Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) is 21:52:17 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway).

What is the nearest train station to Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)?

List of Railway Stations near to Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)
The nearest railway stations to Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)
Wymondham Station17.07 Km
Spooner Row Station18.54 Km
Attleborough Station18.95 Km
Eccles Road Station23.17 Km
Norwich Station24.91 Km
Harling Road Station25.17 Km
Salhouse Station29.93 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)?

List of Stops near to Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)
Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)0 m
Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)1 m
Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) Railway Station (entrance)21 m
Dereham Station Road Leisure Centre Bus Stop (Leisure Centre)36 m
Morrisons Bus Stop (adj)153 m
Morrisons Bus Stop (opp)169 m
John Bates Close Bus Stop (adj)270 m
Greenfields Road Bus Stop (adj)287 m
Greenfields Road Bus Stop (opp)300 m
John Bates Close Bus Stop (opp)308 m

Cities or Towns near Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway) (15 km)

List of places near to Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)

Dereham0.59 Km
Moorgate0.68 Km
South Green0.75 Km
Dumpling Green0.97 Km
Northall Green1.83 Km
Toftwood1.89 Km
Etling Green2.34 Km
Yaxham2.79 Km
Podmore2.98 Km
Westfield3.48 Km
Clint Green3.56 Km
Old Brigg3.63 Km
Hoe3.69 Km
Woodgate3.72 Km
Bushy Common3.86 Km
Scarning3.95 Km
Bird's Corner4.00 Km
Sparrow Green4.09 Km
Whinburgh4.17 Km
Swanton Morley4.18 Km
Gressenhall4.50 Km
Daffy Green4.58 Km
Beetley4.61 Km
Thorpe Row4.66 Km
West End5.02 Km
Brakefield Green5.03 Km
North Tuddenham5.21 Km
Clippings Green5.47 Km
High Street5.93 Km
Longham5.96 Km
Old Beetley6.03 Km
Wendling6.19 Km
Mattishall Burgh6.24 Km
Mattishall6.26 Km
Hall Green6.28 Km
Letton Green6.39 Km
Hungry Hill6.42 Km
Garvestone6.49 Km
Shipdham6.70 Km
South Green6.86 Km
Worthing6.88 Km
Upper Brandon Parva6.88 Km
Thuxton7.01 Km
Peaseland Green7.01 Km
Welborne Common7.03 Km
Blackmoor Row7.03 Km
Elsing7.07 Km
Bittering7.10 Km
North Green7.23 Km
High Common7.30 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)

List of Historic places near to Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)

NameDistances from Dereham (Mid Norfolk Railway)
East Bradenham, St Marys Church7.97 Km
North Elmham Bishops Chapel8.79 Km
Coston, St Michaels Church9.66 Km
Little Witchingham, St Faiths Church14.12 Km