Dalry Rail Station Location on a map of Dalry

The Dalry Rail Station is located in Dalry. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Dalry Rail Station by click this link. Dalry Rail Station Map

Location informations for Dalry Rail Station

Name: Dalry Rail Station
Street: -
Locality: Dalry
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Rail
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9100DALRY
Latitude : 55.70622
Longitude : -4.71108
DMS coordinates : 55°42'22.3924644" N 4°42'39.88665612" W
Current time and date at Dalry Rail Station is 09:17:58 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Dalry Rail Station

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Dalry Rail Station.

What is the nearest train station to Dalry Rail Station?

List of Railway Stations near to Dalry Rail Station
The nearest railway stations to Dalry Rail Station are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Dalry Rail Station
Dalry Station0 m
Glengarnock Station4.29 Km
Kilwinning Station5.59 Km
Stevenston Station8.38 Km
West Kilbride Station8.88 Km
Ardrossan South Beach Station9.16 Km
Saltcoats Station9.26 Km
Ardrossan Town Station9.76 Km
Ardrossan Harbour Station10.10 Km
Fairlie Station10.25 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Dalry Rail Station?

List of Stops near to Dalry Rail Station
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Dalry Rail Station are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Dalry Rail Station
Dalry Station Bus Stop (At)48 m
Bridgend Lane Bus Stop (opp)60 m
Blair Road Bus Stop (after)161 m
Stoopshill Crescent Bus Stop (Opp)195 m
Finlay Avenue Bus Stop (before)239 m
Russell Drive Bus Stop (after)260 m
Greenbank Bus Stop (Opp)294 m
Russell Drive Bus Stop (Opp)333 m
Smith Street Bus Stop (after)338 m
Mair Avenue Bus Stop (Opp)413 m

Cities or Towns near Dalry Rail Station (15 km)

List of places near to Dalry Rail Station

Dalry0.51 Km
Blairland0.74 Km
Drakemyre1.32 Km
Highfield1.50 Km
Dalgarven3.37 Km
The Den3.52 Km
Glengarnock4.28 Km
Longbar4.54 Km
Munnoch4.64 Km
South Hourat4.69 Km
Kilbirnie5.72 Km
Kilwinning5.87 Km
Auchentiber6.95 Km
Beith7.14 Km
Barrmill7.32 Km
Benslie7.34 Km
Torranyard7.83 Km
Stevenston7.84 Km
Gateside7.89 Km
Mayfield7.98 Km
Doura8.19 Km
Auchenharvie8.56 Km
Burnhouse8.72 Km
Meadowfoot8.91 Km
Sourlie9.03 Km
West Kilbride9.18 Km
Saltcoats9.33 Km
Seamill9.43 Km
Girdle Toll9.60 Km
Ardrossan9.76 Km
Perceton10.13 Km
Stanecastle10.38 Km
Fairlie10.42 Km
Irvine10.48 Km
Cunninghamhead10.63 Km
Dunlop10.96 Km
Thirdpart11.22 Km
Lochwinnoch11.26 Km
Fullarton11.27 Km
Bourtreehill11.29 Km
Broomlands11.68 Km
Portencross12.09 Km
Lugton12.20 Km
Dreghorn12.29 Km
Springside12.58 Km
Stewarton12.73 Km
Moneyacres12.77 Km
Halket12.89 Km
Busbiehill13.03 Km
Shewalton13.20 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Dalry Rail Station

List of Historic places near to Dalry Rail Station

NameDistances from Dalry Rail Station
Dalgarven Mill5.09 Km
Kilwinning Abbey5.90 Km
Eglinton Castle7.46 Km
Irvine Burns Club10.24 Km
Scottish Maritime Museum10.99 Km
Kelburn Castle11.13 Km
Portencross Castle12.16 Km
The Pencil12.32 Km
Castle Semple Collegiate Church13.48 Km
Largs Old Kirk13.95 Km
Skelmorlie Aisle13.95 Km