Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound) Location on a map of Eardiston

The Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop is located on Main Road in Eardiston Malvern Hills, Worcestershire, West Midlands. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound) by click this link. Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound) Map

Location informations for Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)

Name: Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)
Street: Main Road
Near Place: Cutmill Bridge
Locality: Eardiston
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Worcestershire
Region: West Midlands
Indicator: Westbound
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: wocgmpjp (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2000G502377
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.312239
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.44567
DMS coordinates : 52°18'44.06136984" N 2°26'44.4106122" W
Current time and date at Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound) is 15:58:13 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound).

What is the nearest train station to Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)?

List of Railway Stations near to Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)
The nearest railway stations to Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)
Hartlebury Station15.46 Km
Kidderminster Station16.21 Km
Ludlow Station19.52 Km
Worcester Foregate Street Station20.05 Km
Droitwich Spa Station20.14 Km
Worcester Shrub Hill Station20.72 Km
Blakedown Station21.04 Km
Leominster Station21.63 Km
Malvern Link Station22.48 Km
Hagley Station23.73 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)?

List of Stops near to Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)
Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)0 m
Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Eastbound)24 m
Garage Bus Stop (opp)257 m
Garage Bus Stop (Adj)276 m
Orleton Lane Bus Stop (Eastbound)1.25 Km
Penn Hall Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.31 Km
Penn Hall Lane Bus Stop (Adj)1.32 Km
Orleton Lane Bus Stop (NW bound)1.40 Km
Telephone Box Bus Stop (Adj)1.54 Km
Nags Head Bus Stop (opp)1.69 Km

Cities or Towns near Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound) (15 km)

List of places near to Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)

Eardiston0.13 Km
Menithwood1.45 Km
Orleton1.47 Km
Frith Common1.74 Km
Lindridge1.74 Km
Stockton on Teme2.18 Km
Stanford on Teme2.53 Km
Pensax2.72 Km
Hanley William2.85 Km
Footrid2.97 Km
Worles Common3.01 Km
Mamble3.20 Km
Elms Green3.25 Km
Broombank3.32 Km
Stanford Bridge3.34 Km
Snead Common3.62 Km
Eastham3.90 Km
Clows Top3.92 Km
Sapey Common4.42 Km
Broad Heath4.47 Km
Rock4.59 Km
Abberley4.82 Km
Bayton Common4.85 Km
Greenway5.03 Km
Bayton5.05 Km
Upper Sapey5.07 Km
Neen Sollars5.36 Km
Newnham Bridge5.36 Km
Birch Berrow5.38 Km
Great Witley5.56 Km
Shelsley Walsh5.75 Km
Hanley Child6.05 Km
Gorst Hill6.41 Km
Shelsley Beauchamp6.45 Km
Buckridge6.47 Km
Beach Hay6.47 Km
Pound Bank6.55 Km
Woodgates Green6.56 Km
Bliss Gate6.57 Km
Upper Rochford6.61 Km
Bickley6.75 Km
Rochford6.77 Km
Knighton on Teme6.87 Km
Clifton upon Teme6.97 Km
Wolferlow7.01 Km
Callow Hill7.02 Km
Heightington7.02 Km
Clifton upton Teme7.06 Km
Cross Bank7.11 Km
Harpley7.19 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)

List of Historic places near to Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)

NameDistances from Cutmill Bridge Bus Stop (Westbound)
Witley Court7.54 Km
Lower Sapey, St Bartholomews Church7.71 Km
Edvin Loach Old Church10.47 Km
Bewdley Museum11.29 Km
Thornbury, St Annas Church11.77 Km
Edwyn Ralph, St Michael Church12.00 Km
Wichenford Dovecote12.20 Km
Brockhampton Estate13.36 Km
Bromyard, St Peters Church14.12 Km
Military Wireless Museum14.24 Km
The Time Machine Museum of Science Fiction14.26 Km
Hatfield, St Leonards Church14.26 Km
Bromyard Local History Centre14.29 Km