Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1) Location on a map of Calvert

The Cotswolds Way Bus Stop is located on Cotswolds Way in Calvert Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire, South East. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1) by click this link. Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1) Map

Location informations for Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)

Name: Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)
Street: Cotswolds Way
Near Place: Edgcott Road
Locality: Calvert
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Buckinghamshire
Region: South East
Indicator: o/s 1
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: bucgjaga (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 040000002314
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.910809
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.010858
DMS coordinates : 51°54'38.91181176" N 1°0'39.08882772" W
Current time and date at Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1) is 16:22:02 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1).

What is the nearest train station to Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)?

List of Railway Stations near to Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)
The nearest railway stations to Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)
Bicester North Station9.61 Km
Bicester Village Station9.67 Km
Aylesbury Vale Parkway Station13.62 Km
Haddenham and Thame Parkway Station16.26 Km
Aylesbury Station17.23 Km
Islip Station18.25 Km
Heyford Station19.80 Km
Tackley Station19.94 Km
Stoke Mandeville Station20.73 Km
Bletchley Station21.03 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)?

List of Stops near to Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)
Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)0 m
Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 2)13 m
Community Hall Bus Stop (Opp)466 m
Community Hall Bus Stop (o/s)477 m
Cheshire Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)649 m
Cheshire Cottages Bus Stop (adj)655 m
Brackley Lane Bus Stop (o/s 11)851 m
Werner Terrace Bus Stop (adj)890 m
Brackley Lane Bus Stop (o/s 17)891 m
Werner Terrace Bus Stop (Opp)892 m

Cities or Towns near Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1) (15 km)

List of places near to Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)

Calvert0.91 Km
Charndon1.03 Km
Edgcott1.81 Km
Twyford2.86 Km
Grendon Underwood3.41 Km
Steeple Claydon3.43 Km
Marsh Gibbon3.43 Km
Poundon3.67 Km
Middle Claydon4.11 Km
Hillesden4.94 Km
Botolph Claydon5.18 Km
Kingswood5.22 Km
Godington5.44 Km
Ham Green5.49 Km
Tetchwick5.58 Km
Shipton Lee5.84 Km
East Claydon5.87 Km
Woodham5.99 Km
Hillesden Hamlet6.13 Km
Preston Bissett6.22 Km
Verney Junction6.47 Km
Chetwode6.66 Km
Ludgershall6.92 Km
Gawcott7.51 Km
Quainton7.56 Km
Launton7.58 Km
Stratton Audley7.63 Km
Padbury7.64 Km
Addington7.65 Km
Blackthorn7.66 Km
Lenborough7.77 Km
Piddington7.79 Km
Wotton Underwood8.04 Km
Westcott8.04 Km
Barton Hartshorn8.22 Km
Adstock8.34 Km
Granborough8.64 Km
Newton Purcell8.79 Km
North Marston8.85 Km
Ambrosden8.96 Km
Tinkers End9.02 Km
Fringford9.13 Km
Tingewick9.16 Km
Lower Arncott9.25 Km
Langford Village9.44 Km
Waddesdon9.46 Km
Winslow9.50 Km
The Badgers9.62 Km
Woodfield9.64 Km
Upper Arncott9.74 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Cotswolds Way Bus Stop (o/s 1)