Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp) Location on a map of Cosford

The Cosford Grange Bus Stop is located on A464 in Cosford , Shropshire, West Midlands. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp) by click this link. Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp) Map

Location informations for Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)

Name: Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)
Street: A464
Near Place: Cosford Grange
Town: Shifnal
Suburb: Cosford
Locality: Cosford
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Shropshire
Region: West Midlands
Indicator: opp
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 3500B468000
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.637277
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.322699
DMS coordinates : 52°38'14.19875592" N 2°19'21.71478828" W
Current time and date at Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp) is 09:29:00 (12/27/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp).

What is the nearest train station to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)
The nearest railway stations to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)
Cosford Station1.73 Km
Albrighton Station3.63 Km
Shifnal Station4.61 Km
Codsall Station8.24 Km
Bilbrook Station9.34 Km
Telford Central Station9.35 Km
Oakengates Station10.62 Km
Wolverhampton Station14.78 Km
Wellington Station14.92 Km
Penkridge Station16.73 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Stops near to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)
Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)0 m
Cosford Grange Bus Stop (adj)10 m
Cosford Rail Station1.73 Km
Cosford Rail Station (main entrance)1.73 Km
Cosford Rail Station (Westbound)1.73 Km
Cosford Rail Station (Eastbound)1.75 Km
Loak Loop (adj)2.06 Km
Delaware Avenue Bus Stop (opp)2.15 Km
Delaware Avenue Bus Stop (adj)2.17 Km
Talbot Road Bus Stop (adj)2.18 Km

Airports Near to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)

DCAE Cosford Air Base , UK (1.19 Km)

Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport , UK (13.99 Km)

Cities or Towns near Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)

Whiston Cross1.48 Km
Hatton Grange1.75 Km
Ryton2.88 Km
Albrighton3.00 Km
Grindleforge3.18 Km
Tong3.26 Km
Beckbury3.35 Km
Grindle3.51 Km
Burnhill Green3.88 Km
Tong Norton3.95 Km
Shackerley3.98 Km
Tong Forge4.06 Km
Boningale4.18 Km
Shifnal4.98 Km
Higford5.03 Km
Kemberton5.10 Km
Badger5.16 Km
Kingswood5.22 Km
Pasford5.42 Km
Kingslow5.55 Km
Renshaw Wood5.62 Km
Haughton5.64 Km
The Wyke5.68 Km
The Hem5.84 Km
Ackleton5.90 Km
Codsall Wood6.01 Km
Westbeech6.15 Km
Crowgreaves6.20 Km
Brockton6.26 Km
Sutton Maddock6.31 Km
Stableford6.35 Km
Burlington6.51 Km
Kingswood Common6.52 Km
Norton6.62 Km
Pattingham6.62 Km
Folley6.68 Km
Nurton Hill6.82 Km
Halesfield6.85 Km
Crackleybank6.95 Km
Weston-under-Lizard6.99 Km
Nedge Hill7.02 Km
Stockton7.03 Km
Chesterton7.23 Km
Sutton Hall7.35 Km
Bishops Wood7.41 Km
Oaken7.63 Km
Sutton Hill7.79 Km
Blymhill Lawns7.82 Km
Randlay7.84 Km
Nurton7.89 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)

List of Historic places near to Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)

NameDistances from Cosford Grange Bus Stop (opp)
Patshull, St Marys Church3.90 Km
White Ladies Priory5.38 Km
Boscobel House6.37 Km
Weston Park6.67 Km
Chillington Hall8.40 Km
Stirchley, St James Church8.63 Km
Wightwick Manor10.65 Km
Lilleshall Abbey10.73 Km
Iron Bridge10.74 Km
Benthall Hall12.55 Km
Bridgnorth, St Leonards Church12.89 Km
Bantock House and Park12.95 Km
Buildwas Abbey13.86 Km
Wolverhampton Art Gallery14.37 Km
Sunnycroft14.60 Km
Talbot Chapel14.85 Km
Moseley Old Hall14.87 Km