Colton Map, Satellite view of Colton, Cumbria, England

Colton is located in Cumbria County, South Lakeland District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Colton

Latitude of city of Colton is 54.26448 and longitude of city of Colton is -3.05046. Colton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Cumbria.
The County of Colton is Cumbria.

Postcode / zip code of Colton

LA12 8

Administrative division of Colton

County :Cumbria

GPS coordinates of Colton

Latitude : 54.26448
Longitude : -3.05046

Online Map of Colton - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Colton weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Colton?

List of Railway Stations near to Colton
The nearest railway stations to Colton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Colton
Ulverston Station8.67 Km
Kirkby-In-Furness Station9.57 Km
Foxfield Station10.77 Km
Cark and Cartmel Station10.83 Km
Grange-Over-Sands Station12.27 Km
Green Road Station12.87 Km
Kents Bank Station13.04 Km
Askam Station13.07 Km
Dalton Station14.84 Km
Millom Station15.53 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Colton?

List of Stops near to Colton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Colton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Colton
Cottages Bus Stop (o/s)206 m
Cottages Bus Stop (opp)214 m
The White Hart Bus Stop (o/s)1.22 Km
The White Hart Bus Stop (opp)1.22 Km
Manor House Bus Stop (o/s)1.31 Km
Manor House Bus Stop (at)1.34 Km
Mill View Bus Stop (opp)1.49 Km
Mill View Bus Stop (at)1.49 Km
Chapel Farm road end Bus Stop (at)1.59 Km
Rusland Pool Bus Stop (opp)1.96 Km

Cities or Towns near Colton

List of places near to

Bouth1.26 Km
Bandrake Head1.34 Km
Oxen Park1.38 Km
Tottlebank1.44 Km
Spark Bridge1.55 Km
Lowick Green2.37 Km
Lowick Bridge2.54 Km
Haverthwaite2.70 Km
Low Nibthwaite3.04 Km
Penny Bridge3.06 Km
Greenodd3.46 Km
Wood Gate3.50 Km
Ickenthwaite3.66 Km
Rusland Cross3.73 Km
Blawith3.78 Km
Low Wood3.80 Km
Rusland3.85 Km
Brow Edge4.07 Km
Backbarrow4.24 Km
Water Yeat4.32 Km
Crosslands4.38 Km
High Nibthwaite4.40 Km
Thwaite Moss4.58 Km
Gawthwaite4.67 Km
Broughton Beck4.75 Km
Arrad Foot5.07 Km
Newby Bridge5.16 Km
Finsthwaite5.39 Km
Thwaite Head5.65 Km
Force Forge5.66 Km
Mansriggs5.90 Km
Newland Bottom6.04 Km
Lakeside6.20 Km
Force Mills6.23 Km
Staveley-in-Cartmel6.26 Km
Newland6.56 Km
Fell Foot6.58 Km
Seatle6.77 Km
Satterthwaite6.78 Km
Sunny Bank6.96 Km
Beanthwaite7.04 Km
High Cark7.29 Km
Town Bank7.53 Km
Wood Broughton Hall7.57 Km
Woodland7.67 Km
Grizebeck7.81 Km
Ayside7.94 Km
South Ulverston8.14 Km
Ulverston8.15 Km
Chapels8.23 Km