Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L) Location on a map of Chester

The Chester Bus Interchange is located on Gorse Stacks in Chester , Cheshire West & Chester, North West.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L) by click this link. Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L) Map

Location informations for Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)

Name: Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)
Street: Gorse Stacks
Near Place: Chester Bus Interchange
Locality: Chester
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Cheshire West & Chester
Region: North West
Indicator: Stand L
NaptanCode: chwadptd (SMS Code)
AtcoCode: 0610CH19167
Latitude : 53.19446
Longitude : -2.888903
DMS coordinates : 53°11'40.05470076" N 2°53'20.05045764" W
Current time and date at Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L) is 08:59:08 (12/19/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L).

What is the nearest train station to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)?

List of Railway Stations near to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)
The nearest railway stations to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)
Chester Station668 m
Bache Station1.60 Km
Capenhurst Station8.13 Km
Hawarden Station9.59 Km
Ellesmere Port Station9.77 Km
Stanlow and Thornton Station9.84 Km
Hawarden Bridge Station9.93 Km
Shotton Station10.16 Km
Overpool Station10.23 Km
Ince and Elton Station10.33 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)?

List of Stops near to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand G)17 m
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand K)19 m
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand M)24 m
Bus Interchange (Stand F)26 m
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand C)27 m
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand H)34 m
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand D)37 m
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand J)38 m
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand B)39 m
Chester Bus Interchange (Stand E)40 m

Airports Near to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)

Hawarden Airport , UK (6.19 Km)

Cities or Towns near Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L) (15 km)

List of places near to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)

Newtown0.19 Km
Chester0.51 Km
Boughton1.30 Km
Abbot's Meads1.42 Km
Handbridge1.54 Km
Hoole1.54 Km
Abbot's Mead1.60 Km
Bache1.64 Km
Newton1.68 Km
Dee Banks1.69 Km
Curzon Park1.71 Km
Westminster Park2.14 Km
Upton2.22 Km
Boughton Heath2.45 Km
Huntington2.63 Km
Blacon2.68 Km
Piper's Ash2.84 Km
Lache2.91 Km
Saltney3.01 Km
Upton Heath3.15 Km
Littleton3.37 Km
Moston3.40 Km
Hoole Bank3.42 Km
Christleton3.58 Km
Vicarscross4.02 Km
Eccleston4.25 Km
Guilden Sutton4.25 Km
Rowton4.39 Km
Rowton Moor4.39 Km
Mollington4.45 Km
Lea by Backford4.89 Km
Roughhill4.95 Km
Mickle Trafford5.04 Km
Backford5.10 Km
Waverton5.34 Km
Belgrave5.35 Km
Wervin5.36 Km
Picton5.42 Km
Balderton5.65 Km
Saughall5.69 Km
Sealand5.78 Km
Croughton5.85 Km
Saighton5.89 Km
Plemstall6.07 Km
Stamford Bridge6.08 Km
Bretton6.15 Km
Eaton Hall6.29 Km
Bridge Trafford6.50 Km
Great Barrow6.57 Km
Stoak6.62 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)

List of Historic places near to Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)

NameDistances from Chester Bus Interchange (Stand L)
Roman Garden0.42 Km
The Rows0.46 Km
Eastgate Clock0.46 Km
Chester, St John the Baptist Church0.66 Km
Grosvenor Museum0.76 Km
Chester Roman Amphitheatre0.79 Km
Chester Castle, Agricola Tower1.03 Km
Hawarden Old Castle 8.89 Km
Hawarden, St Deiniols Church9.21 Km
Ewloe Castle 11.89 Km
Farndon, St Chads Church12.30 Km
Holt, St Chads Church12.63 Km
Gresford, All Saints Church13.43 Km
Ness Botanic Gardens13.54 Km
Hartsheath Hall13.63 Km
Caergwrle Castle13.79 Km