Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before) Location on a map of Crossway Green Chepstow

The Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop is located on Welsh Street in Crossway Green , Monmouthshire, Wales. Vehicle travel North-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before) by click this link. Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before) Map

Location informations for Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)

Name: Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)
Street: Welsh Street
Near Place: Chepstow Comprehensive School
Locality: Crossway Green
Parent Locality: Chepstow
Unitary Authority Area: Monmouthshire
Region: Wales
Indicator: before
Direction of Travel: North-West (NW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: gweatma (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5330AWB31237
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.646099
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.68539
DMS coordinates : 51°38'45.95469936" N 2°41'7.40522544" W
Current time and date at Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before) is 19:56:24 (12/18/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before).

What is the nearest train station to Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)?

List of Railway Stations near to Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)
The nearest railway stations to Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)
Chepstow Station1.14 Km
Caldicot Station8.57 Km
Severn Tunnel Junction Station9.35 Km
Severn Beach Station9.68 Km
Pilning Station10.73 Km
Lydney Station13.07 Km
St.Andrew's Road Station14.84 Km
Patchway Station15.82 Km
Avonmouth Station16.23 Km
Bristol Parkway Station17.73 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)?

List of Stops near to Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)
Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)0 m
Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (after)21 m
Chepstow Comprehensive School Bus Stop (in)54 m
Welsh Street Bus Stop (in)188 m
Castle Gardens Bus Stop (before)193 m
Welsh Street Bus Stop (in)215 m
Kingsmark Lane Bus Stop (before)364 m
Kingsmark Lane Bus Stop (after)369 m
Lions` Lodge Bus Stop (before)408 m
Lions` Lodge Bus Stop (after)414 m

Cities or Towns near Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before) (15 km)

List of places near to Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)

Chepstow / Cas-Gwent0.83 Km
Hardwick1.26 Km
Tutshill1.30 Km
Mounton1.87 Km
Sedbury1.91 Km
Woodcroft2.13 Km
Bulwark2.15 Km
Old Bishton2.17 Km
Pwllmeyric / Pwllmeurig2.20 Km
St Arvans2.60 Km
Broadrock2.63 Km
Mathern / Merthyr-Tewdrig2.79 Km
Netherhope3.02 Km
Newton Green3.10 Km
Tidenham3.35 Km
Itton3.49 Km
Cross Hill3.51 Km
Hayes Gate3.51 Km
Beachley3.94 Km
Boughspring4.14 Km
Itton Common4.62 Km
Mynydd-bach4.65 Km
Shirenewton4.77 Km
Leechpool4.91 Km
Tidenham Chase4.95 Km
Wibdon4.96 Km
Upper Fedw5.51 Km
Crick5.52 Km
Stroat5.53 Km
The Cot5.57 Km
Mount Ballan5.80 Km
Devauden6.27 Km
Black Rock6.29 Km
Bullyhole Bottom6.51 Km
Creigau6.59 Km
Kilgwrrwg6.60 Km
Kilgwrrwg Common6.61 Km
Park Hill6.62 Km
Tintern / Tyndyrn6.62 Km
Old Passage6.63 Km
Portskewett / Porthsgiwed6.78 Km
Caer-went / Caerwent6.85 Km
Brockweir6.88 Km
Caerwent Brook7.01 Km
Aust7.12 Km
Sudbrook7.20 Km
High Woolaston7.32 Km
Brockwells7.43 Km
New Inn7.44 Km
Caldicot / Cil-y-coed7.53 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)

List of Historic places near to Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)

NameDistances from Chepstow Comprehensive Bus Stop (before)
Chepstow Castle0.68 Km
Chepstow Museum0.85 Km
Chepstow Priory1.00 Km
Chepstow Port Wall1.02 Km
Chepstow, Bulwark Camp2.01 Km
Veddw House Garden3.30 Km
Runston Chapel 4.19 Km
Tintern Abbey5.68 Km
Caerwent Castle6.30 Km
Llanmelin Wood Hill Fort6.74 Km
Caldicot Castle7.07 Km
Caerwent Roman Town7.17 Km
Gaer Llwyd Chambered Tomb8.22 Km
Grey Hill Stone Circle8.87 Km
St Briavels Castle10.73 Km
St Briavels, St Marys Church10.78 Km
Penhow Castle10.82 Km
Harolds Stones - Stone Row11.13 Km
Lydney Park Roman Camp12.25 Km
Lydney Park12.27 Km
Clearwell Caves and Ancient Iron Mines14.75 Km