Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82) Location on a map of Mapperley Nottingham

The Cavendish Vale Bus Stop is located on Winchester Street in Mapperley , Nottingham, East Midlands. Vehicle travel North-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82) by click this link. Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82) Map

Location informations for Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)

Name: Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)
Street: Winchester Street
Near Place: Opposite Cavendish Vale
Town: Nottingham
Suburb: Mapperley
Locality: Mapperley
Parent Locality: Nottingham
Unitary Authority Area: Nottingham
Region: East Midlands
Indicator: Stop SH82
Direction of Travel: North-West (NW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: ntmapgmp (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 3390SH82
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.980846
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.141189
DMS coordinates : 52°58'51.047319" N 1°8'28.27884732" W
Current time and date at Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82) is 20:19:54 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82).

What is the nearest train station to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)?

List of Railway Stations near to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)
The nearest railway stations to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)
Nottingham Station3.77 Km
Bulwell Station4.24 Km
Carlton Station4.54 Km
Netherfield Station4.64 Km
Burton Joyce Station6.72 Km
Hucknall Station7.36 Km
Radcliffe (Nottinghamshire) Station7.82 Km
Beeston Station8.03 Km
Lowdham Station9.97 Km
Attenborough Station10.27 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)?

List of Stops near to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)
Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)0 m
Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH85)89 m
Sherwood Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH81)123 m
Sherwood Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH86)157 m
Mansfield Street Bus Stop (Stop SH84)211 m
Mansfield Street Bus Stop (Stop SH83)270 m
Gordon Rise Bus Stop (Stop MA60)310 m
Briarwood Court Bus Stop (Stop SH87)311 m
Briarwood Court Bus Stop (Stop SH88)317 m
Winchester Street Bus Stop (Stop SH14)337 m

Airports Near to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)

Nottingham Airport , UK (7.94 Km)

Cities or Towns near Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82) (15 km)

List of places near to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)

Mapperley0.62 Km
Carrington0.81 Km
Sherwood0.87 Km
Alexandra Park1.10 Km
Woodthorpe1.21 Km
Mapperley Park1.35 Km
Sherwood Rise1.59 Km
New Basford1.84 Km
Forest Fields2.11 Km
Daybrook2.20 Km
St Ann's2.23 Km
Porchester2.25 Km
Thorneywood2.27 Km
Hyson Green2.56 Km
Arnold2.60 Km
Bestwood2.72 Km
Old Basford2.73 Km
Nottingham2.82 Km
Whitemoor2.94 Km
Bobbers Mill3.23 Km
Radford3.23 Km
Highbury Vale3.28 Km
Sneinton3.28 Km
Lace Market3.31 Km
The Park3.34 Km
Bakers Fields3.39 Km
Standard Hill3.40 Km
Redhill3.46 Km
Top Valley3.65 Km
Gedling3.76 Km
Rise Park4.07 Km
Aspley4.09 Km
Bulwell Forest4.13 Km
Carlton4.22 Km
Cinderhill4.22 Km
New Lenton4.25 Km
Red Hill4.38 Km
Meadows4.38 Km
Netherfield4.75 Km
Old Lenton4.80 Km
West Bridgford4.93 Km
Beechdale4.94 Km
Colwick5.00 Km
Broxtowe5.10 Km
Bulwell5.14 Km
Adbolton5.27 Km
Bestwood Village5.32 Km
Dunkirk5.40 Km
Hempshill Vale5.47 Km
Lambley5.68 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)

List of Historic places near to Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)

NameDistances from Cavendish Vale Bus Stop (Stop SH82)
Wollaton Hall and Natural History Museum5.88 Km
Holme Pierrepont Hall6.36 Km
Papplewick Pumping Station9.17 Km
Newstead Abbey11.38 Km