Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) Location on a map of Carbrook Sheffield

The Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) is located on Off Sheffield Road - Attercliffe Road in Carbrook. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) by click this link. Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) Map

Location informations for Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)

Name: Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Street: Off Sheffield Road - Attercliffe Road
Near Place: Off Sheffield Road - Attercliffe Road
Locality: Carbrook
Parent Locality: Sheffield
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Tram
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9400ZZSYCRB
Latitude : 53.405546
Longitude : -1.410849
DMS coordinates : 53°24'19.96696368" N 1°24'39.05816508" W
Current time and date at Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) is 14:00:34 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram).

What is the nearest train station to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)?

List of Railway Stations near to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)
The nearest railway stations to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Meadowhall Station1.33 Km
Darnall Station2.33 Km
Rotherham Central Station4.47 Km
Sheffield Station4.56 Km
Woodhouse Station5.84 Km
Chapeltown Station7.30 Km
Elsecar Station10.41 Km
Dore and Totley Station11.09 Km
Swinton (South Yorkshire) Station11.35 Km
Kiveton Bridge Station11.93 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)?

List of Stops near to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)0 m
Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) (To City)5 m
Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) (From City)6 m
Carbrook Platform to Meadowhall (Ne Entrance)11 m
Carbrook Platform to City (Ne Entrance)12 m
Carbrook Platform to City (Sw Entrance)21 m
Carbrook Platform to Meadowhall (Sw Entrance)21 m
Carbrook Bus Stop (CAROT)65 m
Carbrook Bus Stop (CARIN)67 m
Meadowhall Retail Park Bus Stop (at)205 m

Airports Near to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)

Sheffield City Heliport , UK (1.94 Km)

Cities or Towns near Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram) (15 km)

List of places near to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)

Carbrook0.25 Km
Tinsley0.70 Km
Attercliffe Hill Top0.89 Km
Greenland1.23 Km
Brightside1.54 Km
Wincobank1.60 Km
Low Wincobank1.84 Km
Templeborough1.89 Km
Grimesthorpe1.99 Km
Darnall2.06 Km
Attercliffe2.15 Km
High Wincobank2.25 Km
Meadow Hall2.49 Km
Handsworth Hill2.52 Km
Richmond Park2.72 Km
Jordon2.77 Km
Jordan2.79 Km
Firth Park2.83 Km
Brinsworth2.83 Km
Ickles2.86 Km
Pismire Hill3.00 Km
Lower Crabtree3.02 Km
Cricket Houses3.10 Km
Wybourn3.17 Km
Upper Crabtree3.19 Km
Burngreave3.39 Km
Kimberworth3.40 Km
Sheffield Lane Top3.42 Km
Canklow3.44 Km
Holmes3.46 Km
Bradgate3.51 Km
Fir Vale3.59 Km
Catcliffe3.60 Km
Manor Park3.66 Km
Shiregreen3.67 Km
Manor Estate3.71 Km
Pitsmoor3.71 Km
New York3.82 Km
Waverley3.89 Km
Masbrough3.91 Km
The Manor3.95 Km
Handsworth3.95 Km
Woodside3.97 Km
Longley Estate3.97 Km
Grange Lane3.97 Km
Park Hill4.05 Km
Dropping Well4.10 Km
Sheffield Park4.25 Km
Shirecliffe4.27 Km
Orgreave4.33 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)

List of Historic places near to Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)

NameDistances from Carbrook (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Wentworth, Holy Trinity Church8.30 Km
Beauchief Abbey10.00 Km
Renishaw Hall12.16 Km
Throapham, St Johns Church13.10 Km