Capel y Cwm Bus Stop Location on a map of Cwmsychpant

The Capel y Cwm Bus Stop is located on A475 in Cwmsychpant , Ceredigion, Wales. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Capel y Cwm Bus Stop by click this link. Capel y Cwm Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Capel y Cwm Bus Stop

Name: Capel y Cwm Bus Stop
Street: A475
Locality: Cwmsychpant
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Ceredigion
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: cejapjd (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5230AWC53158
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.092769
Bus Stop Longitude : -4.225018
DMS coordinates : 52°5'33.96929028" N 4°13'30.06466248" W
Current time and date at Capel y Cwm Bus Stop is 13:31:17 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Capel y Cwm Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Capel y Cwm Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Capel y Cwm Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Capel y Cwm Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Capel y Cwm Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Capel y Cwm Bus Stop
Carmarthen Station27.19 Km
Llanwrda Station28.18 Km
Llandeilo Station28.25 Km
Llangadog Station28.35 Km
Ffairfach Station29.20 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Capel y Cwm Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Capel y Cwm Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Capel y Cwm Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Capel y Cwm Bus Stop
Capel y Cwm Bus Stop0 m
Capel y Cwm Bus Stop14 m
Red Lion Bus Stop2.13 Km
Red Lion Bus Stop2.14 Km
Red Lion Bus Stop2.14 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop2.37 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop2.38 Km
Dre-fach War Memorial Bus Stop2.51 Km
Dre-fach War Memorial Bus Stop2.51 Km
Alltrodyn Arms Bus Stop3.42 Km

Cities or Towns near Capel y Cwm Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Capel y Cwm Bus Stop

Cwmsychbant0.01 Km
Llanwenog1.74 Km
Cwrtnewydd2.15 Km
Aber2.27 Km
Dre-fach2.43 Km
Rhydowen3.42 Km
Rhuddlan3.52 Km
Pont-Siân3.83 Km
Gorsgoch4.25 Km
Capel Dewi4.41 Km
Derlwyn4.50 Km
Alltyblaca4.51 Km
Llanybydder / Llanybyther5.01 Km
Maesycrugiau5.18 Km
Capel-y-Groes5.38 Km
Pren-gwyn5.53 Km
Llanwnnen5.64 Km
Maesymeillion5.69 Km
Aber-Giâr5.73 Km
Glan-Duar5.78 Km
Cwm-pîb5.91 Km
Drefâch6.08 Km
Capel Sain Silin6.13 Km
Pencarreg6.15 Km
Glanrhyd6.22 Km
Troed-y-rhiw6.53 Km
Llanllwni6.57 Km
Dolgerdd6.73 Km
Cribyn6.76 Km
Caledrhydiau7.01 Km
Tregroes7.05 Km
Talgarreg7.08 Km
Llanfihangel-ar-arth7.14 Km
Pentre-bâch7.28 Km
Ty-Mawr7.33 Km
Pentrellwyn7.39 Km
Troedrhiwffenyd8.03 Km
Gorrig8.03 Km
Llandysul8.08 Km
Pisgah8.11 Km
Horeb8.90 Km
Pont-Tyweli9.00 Km
Ffynnon-oer9.37 Km
Mydroilyn9.42 Km
New Inn9.43 Km
Croes-lan9.54 Km
Bwlch-y-groes9.60 Km
Dihewyd9.83 Km
Temple Bar10.04 Km
Capel Cynon10.06 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Capel y Cwm Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to Capel y Cwm Bus Stop

NameDistances from Capel y Cwm Bus Stop
Cae Hir Gardens7.17 Km
Llanllyr Gardens11.72 Km
West Wales Museum of Childhood12.58 Km
Trefilan Castle13.11 Km
National Wool Museum13.97 Km
Llanerchaeron14.04 Km
Llanerchaeron, St Nons Church14.14 Km
Pant-yr-Holiad14.47 Km
Winllan Wildlife Garden14.52 Km