Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp) Location on a map of Knook

The Camp Gate Bus Stop is located in Knook , Wiltshire, South West. Vehicle travel North-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp) by click this link. Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp) Map

Location informations for Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)

Name: Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)
Street: A36
Locality: Knook
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Wiltshire
Region: South West
Indicator: opp
Direction of Travel: North-West (NW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: wilapatd (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 4600WIA12380
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.180267
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.091553
DMS coordinates : 51°10'48.96217056" N 2°5'29.5908972" W
Current time and date at Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp) is 17:17:54 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Jersey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp).

What is the nearest train station to Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)
The nearest railway stations to Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)
Warminster Station6.63 Km
Dilton Marsh Station11.14 Km
Westbury Station12.21 Km
Tisbury Station13.31 Km
Frome Station16.09 Km
Trowbridge Station17.72 Km
Gillingham (Dorset) Station20.60 Km
Bradford-On-Avon Station21.46 Km
Avoncliff Station22.10 Km
Melksham Station22.49 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Stops near to Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)
Camp Gate Bus Stop (o/s)79 m
Knook Turn Bus Stop (NW-bound)435 m
Knook Turn Bus Stop (SE-bound)499 m
The Angel Bus Stop (o/s)1.02 Km
The Angel Bus Stop (opp)1.02 Km
The Red Lion Bus Stop (opp)1.35 Km
The Red Lion Bus Stop (o/s)1.39 Km
Upton Folly Bus Stop (W-bound)1.57 Km
Upton Folly Bus Stop (SE-bound)1.59 Km
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (E-bound)1.84 Km

Cities or Towns near Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Camp Gate Bus Stop (opp)

Knook0.49 Km
Heytesbury0.95 Km
Upton Lovell1.57 Km
Corton1.82 Km
West Hill1.86 Km
Tytherington2.75 Km
Norton Bavant3.02 Km
Boyton3.08 Km
Codford St Peter3.36 Km
Sutton Veny3.93 Km
Sherrington3.96 Km
Codford St Mary4.52 Km
Bishopstrow4.56 Km
Woodcock5.61 Km
Stockton5.75 Km
Chitterne5.80 Km
Henfords Marsh6.06 Km
Hill Deverill6.63 Km
Imber6.76 Km
Bapton6.79 Km
Warminster6.82 Km
Sutton End7.00 Km
Longbridge Deverill7.07 Km
Crockerton Green7.18 Km
Fox Holes7.24 Km
Fisherton de la Mere7.28 Km
Warminster Common7.49 Km
Crockerton7.51 Km
Lower Pertwood7.84 Km
Higher Pertwood8.05 Km
Brixton Deverill8.21 Km
Deptford8.23 Km
Chicklade8.28 Km
Wylye8.70 Km
Upton Scudamore8.96 Km
Fonthill Bishop9.36 Km
Berwick St Leonard9.40 Km
Monkton Deverill9.46 Km
Hindon9.84 Km
Chilmark10.20 Km
Old Dilton10.21 Km
Bratton10.29 Km
Whitepits10.37 Km
Chalford10.41 Km
Fonthill Gifford10.41 Km
Kingston Deverill10.43 Km
Ridge10.47 Km
Whitbourne Springs10.48 Km
Mooray10.55 Km
Westbury Leigh10.72 Km