Bus Station (Stand 1) Location on a map of Bury St Edmunds

The Bus Station is located in Bury St Edmunds St. Edmundsbury, Suffolk, East Anglia.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Bus Station (Stand 1) by click this link. Bus Station (Stand 1) Map

Location informations for Bus Station (Stand 1)

Name: Bus Station (Stand 1)
Locality: Bury St Edmunds
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Suffolk
Region: East Anglia
Indicator: Stand 1
NaptanCode: sufgjtdg (SMS Code)
AtcoCode: 390050786
Latitude : 52.247825
Longitude : 0.710688
DMS coordinates : 52°14'52.1711538" N 0°42'38.476911168" E
Current time and date at Bus Station (Stand 1) is 16:12:56 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Bus Station (Stand 1)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Bus Station (Stand 1).

What is the nearest train station to Bus Station (Stand 1)?

List of Railway Stations near to Bus Station (Stand 1)
The nearest railway stations to Bus Station (Stand 1) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bus Station (Stand 1)
Bury St.Edmunds Station683 m
Thurston Station6.67 Km
Elmswell Station13.79 Km
Kennett Station15.34 Km
Thetford Station19.19 Km
Stowmarket Station20.74 Km
Newmarket Station20.76 Km
Sudbury Station23.58 Km
Brandon Station23.66 Km
Dullingham Station23.99 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bus Station (Stand 1)?

List of Stops near to Bus Station (Stand 1)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bus Station (Stand 1) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bus Station (Stand 1)
Bus Station (Stand 1)0 m
Bus Station (Stand 2)7 m
Bus Station (Stand 3)12 m
Bus Station (Stand 4)16 m
Bus Station (Stand 11)19 m
Bus Station (Stand 5)23 m
Bus Station (Stand 6)26 m
Bus Station (Stand 12)26 m
Bus Station (Stand 13)33 m
Bus Station (Stand 7)34 m

Airports Near to Bus Station (Stand 1)

RAF Honington , UK (11.36 Km)

Cities or Towns near Bus Station (Stand 1) (15 km)

List of places near to Bus Station (Stand 1)

Bury St Edmunds0.27 Km
Fornham St Martin2.52 Km
Westley2.81 Km
Colton3.03 Km
Fornham All Saints3.19 Km
Fornham St Genevieve3.30 Km
Cattishall3.49 Km
Horringer3.52 Km
Nowton4.06 Km
Hengrave4.66 Km
Great Barton4.69 Km
Battlies Green4.78 Km
Timworth4.78 Km
Pinford End4.93 Km
Timworth Green4.98 Km
Rushbrooke4.98 Km
Sicklesmere4.98 Km
East Barton4.99 Km
Conyer's Green5.00 Km
Blackthorpe5.08 Km
Bull Green5.13 Km
Little Saxham5.24 Km
Hawstead5.55 Km
Culford5.58 Km
Risby5.81 Km
Great Welnetham5.86 Km
Little Welnetham5.93 Km
Brook Green6.06 Km
Rougham Green6.14 Km
Great Saxham6.18 Km
Hawstead Green6.30 Km
Ingham6.31 Km
Rougham6.40 Km
Thurston6.51 Km
Cocks Green6.60 Km
Flempton6.62 Km
Whepstead6.74 Km
West Stow6.76 Km
Mickley Green6.76 Km
Brockley Corner6.81 Km
Frizzeler's Green6.93 Km
Ampton6.98 Km
Kingshall Street7.01 Km
Melon Green7.23 Km
Stonecross Green7.23 Km
High Rougham7.48 Km
Kingshall Green7.59 Km
Bradfield St George7.64 Km
Nether Street7.67 Km
Great Livermere7.69 Km