Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance) Location on a map of Burnham-on-Crouch

The Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal is located on The Quay in Burnham-on-Crouch Maldon, Essex, South East.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance) by click this link. Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance) Map

Location informations for Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)

Name: Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)
Street: The Quay
Locality: Burnham-on-Crouch
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Essex
Region: South East
Indicator: entrance
Ferry Terminal AtcoCode: 1500BOC0
Ferry Terminal Latitude : 51.624497
Ferry Terminal Longitude : 0.818735
DMS coordinates : 51°37'28.18969464" N 0°49'7.445646912" E
Current time and date at Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance) is 16:21:13 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance).

What is the nearest train station to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)?

List of Railway Stations near to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)
The nearest railway stations to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)
Burnham-On-Crouch Station1.07 Km
Southminster Station4.17 Km
Althorne Station5.26 Km
Rochford Station9.34 Km
North Fambridge Station9.83 Km
Southend Airport Station10.01 Km
Thorpe Bay Station10.44 Km
Shoeburyness Station10.52 Km
Prittlewell Station11.09 Km
Southend East Station11.25 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)?

List of Stops near to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)
Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)0 m
Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing17 m
Clock Tower Bus Stop (o/s)86 m
Clock Tower Bus Stop (opp)97 m
Burnham Cinema Bus Stop (o/s)345 m
Burnham Cinema Bus Stop (opp)376 m
Burnham Library Bus Stop (opp)594 m
Burnham Library Bus Stop (o/s)598 m
The Railway Hotel Bus Stop (o/s)885 m
The Railway Hotel Bus Stop (opp)886 m

Airports Near to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)

Southend Airport , UK (10.36 Km)

Cities or Towns near Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance) (15 km)

List of places near to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)

Burnham-on-Crouch0.11 Km
Stoneyhills1.92 Km
Creeksea2.09 Km
Ostend2.22 Km
Paglesham Eastend3.33 Km
Paglesham Churchend3.60 Km
Southminster4.27 Km
Northend4.60 Km
Cripplegate4.81 Km
Canewdon5.12 Km
Ballards Gore5.32 Km
Montsale5.64 Km
Churchend5.72 Km
Althorne5.98 Km
Asheldham6.24 Km
Great Stambridge6.33 Km
Barling6.46 Km
Mayland7.03 Km
Dengie7.15 Km
Little Wakering7.39 Km
Courtsend7.53 Km
Steeple7.66 Km
Great Wakering8.04 Km
Samuel's Corner8.07 Km
Stonebridge8.26 Km
Maylandsea8.30 Km
Latchingdon8.44 Km
Cupid's Corner8.75 Km
St Lawrence8.87 Km
Ashingdon8.99 Km
Rochford9.02 Km
Tillingham9.17 Km
Suttons9.65 Km
South Fambridge9.75 Km
North Fambridge9.98 Km
North Shoebury10.07 Km
Bradwell Wick10.10 Km
Ramsey Island10.11 Km
Bournes Green10.19 Km
Stroud Green10.65 Km
Thorpe Bay10.69 Km
Mundon10.72 Km
Shoeburyness10.73 Km
Cambridge Town10.81 Km
Southchurch10.88 Km
Hawkwell10.94 Km
Prittlewell11.02 Km
Mill End11.02 Km
Roundbush11.24 Km
Osea Island11.26 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)

List of Historic places near to Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)

NameDistances from Burnham on Crouch Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (entrance)
Maldon, St Marys Church14.77 Km
St Peter-on-the-Wall Chapel14.91 Km