Broughton Park Map, Satellite view of Broughton Park, Greater Manchester, England

Broughton Park is located in Greater Manchester County, Salford District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Broughton Park

Latitude of city of Broughton Park is 53.51590 and longitude of city of Broughton Park is -2.26134. Broughton Park has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Greater Manchester.
The County of Broughton Park is Greater Manchester.

Postcode / zip code of Broughton Park

M7 4

Administrative division of Broughton Park

County :Greater Manchester

GPS coordinates of Broughton Park

Latitude : 53.51590
Longitude : -2.26134

Online Map of Broughton Park - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Broughton Park in the United Kingdom

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Broughton Park weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Broughton Park?

List of Railway Stations near to Broughton Park
The nearest railway stations to Broughton Park are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Broughton Park
Manchester Victoria Station3.40 Km
Salford Crescent Station3.40 Km
Clifton Station3.61 Km
Salford Central Station3.67 Km
Deansgate Station4.69 Km
Manchester Piccadilly Station4.73 Km
Manchester Oxford Road Station4.83 Km
Swinton (Greater Manchester) Station5.03 Km
Ardwick Station5.87 Km
Eccles Station5.91 Km

Airports Near to Broughton Park

City Airport Manchester , UK (9.81 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Broughton Park?

List of Stops near to Broughton Park
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Broughton Park are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Broughton Park
Singleton Rd Bus Stop (SW-bound)229 m
Holden Road Bus Stop (Holden Road)234 m
Bury Old Road Bus Stop (Bury Old Road)296 m
Park Street Bus Stop (Nr House 16)327 m
Park Street Bus Stop (Nr House 16)327 m
Singleton Rd Bus Stop (E-bound)331 m
Singleton Ct Bus Stop (o/s)338 m
Singleton Rd Bus Stop (opp)380 m
Singleton Rd Bus Stop (nr)381 m
Park St Bus Stop (opp)427 m

Historic Places to Visit near Broughton Park

List of Historic places near to Broughton Park

NameDistances from Broughton Park
Peoples History Museum3.91 Km
Museum of the Manchester Regiment11.42 Km
Heaton Norris, Christ Church12.82 Km
Carrington, St Georges Church13.79 Km
Bolton, All Souls Church14.23 Km
Cities or Towns near Broughton Park

List of places near to

Sedgley Park0.53 Km
Kersal Dale0.69 Km
Hilton Park1.01 Km
HIgher Broughton1.04 Km
Kersal1.24 Km
The Cliff1.27 Km
Rainsough1.62 Km
Heaton Park1.62 Km
Prestwich Bank1.71 Km
Lower Kersal1.75 Km
Crumpsall1.80 Km
Lower Broughton2.19 Km
Charlestown2.33 Km
Cheetham Hill2.40 Km
Strangeways2.53 Km
Prestwich2.55 Km
Higher Blackley2.85 Km
Blackley3.08 Km
Kirkhams3.17 Km
Brindle Heath3.33 Km
Besses o' th' Barn3.41 Km
Harpurhey3.43 Km
Oak Bank3.44 Km
Collyhurst3.46 Km
Wallness3.49 Km
Pendleton3.57 Km
Clifton Junction3.59 Km
New Windsor3.69 Km
Irlams o' th' Height3.74 Km
Simister3.80 Km
Rhodes3.89 Km
Clifton Green4.08 Km
Clifton4.11 Km
Pendlebury4.12 Km
Whitefield4.14 Km
Rhodes Green4.15 Km
Park Lane4.16 Km
Miles Platting4.20 Km
Manchester4.24 Km
Bowlee4.29 Km
Seedley4.40 Km
Charlestown4.42 Km
Swinton Park4.43 Km
Ancoats4.45 Km
Salford4.51 Km
Stand4.61 Km
Bradford4.72 Km
Lime Field4.76 Km
Ordsall4.84 Km
Alkrington Garden Village4.92 Km