Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728) Location on a map of Broomfleet

The Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station is located on Broomfleet Carr Lane in Broomfleet , East Riding of Yorkshire, Yorkshire.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728) by click this link. Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728) Map

Location informations for Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)

Name: Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)
Street: Broomfleet Carr Lane
Near Place: Railway Stn
Locality: Broomfleet
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: East Riding of Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: 22001728
Railway Station AtcoCode: 2200YEA01728
Railway Station Latitude : 53.738241
Railway Station Longitude : -0.673558
DMS coordinates : 53°44'17.66709888" N 0°40'24.8091528" W
Current time and date at Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728) is 19:24:55 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728).

What is the nearest train station to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)?

List of Railway Stations near to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)
The nearest railway stations to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)
Broomfleet Station246 m
Gilberdyke Station4.01 Km
Brough Station6.36 Km
Eastrington Station7.73 Km
Saltmarshe Station9.12 Km
Ferriby Station11.15 Km
Howden Station12.64 Km
Goole Station13.71 Km
Hessle Station15.42 Km
Barton-On-Humber Station16.11 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)?

List of Stops near to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)
Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)0 m
Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001729)7 m
Broomfleet Rail Stn Railway Station238 m
Broomfleet Rail Station246 m
Broomfleet Rail Stn Railway Station265 m
Broomfleet Main Street Bus Stop (22000800)701 m
Broomfleet Landing Bus Stop (22011791)807 m
Oxmardyke Grange Bus Stop (22011800)2.71 Km
Newport B1230 Bus Stop (22000762)3.18 Km
Newport Main Rd Bus Stop (22000760)3.18 Km

Airports Near to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)

Brough Airport , UK (7.35 Km)

Cities or Towns near Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728) (15 km)

List of places near to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)

Broomfleet0.73 Km
Newport3.20 Km
Scalby3.54 Km
Eight and Forty3.70 Km
Faxfleet3.71 Km
Staddlethorpe3.75 Km
Staddlethorpe4.01 Km
Cheapsides4.09 Km
Whitton4.18 Km
Blacktoft4.48 Km
West End4.67 Km
Gilberdyke4.70 Km
Westfield4.89 Km
Bennetland5.00 Km
Bellasize5.01 Km
North Cave5.06 Km
Ellerker5.25 Km
Everthorpe5.45 Km
Sandholme5.59 Km
Alkborough5.71 Km
South Cave5.92 Km
Greenoak6.17 Km
Hive6.37 Km
Yokefleet6.45 Km
Ousefleet6.59 Km
Brough6.67 Km
Hotham6.74 Km
Walcot6.76 Km
Brantingham6.84 Km
Elloughton6.89 Km
Drewton7.04 Km
West Halton7.34 Km
Adlingfleet7.44 Km
Newland7.57 Km
Whitgift7.68 Km
Winteringham7.84 Km
Coleby8.25 Km
Eastrington8.27 Km
Welton8.37 Km
Little Reedness8.37 Km
South Cliffe8.43 Km
Laxton8.81 Km
South Newbald8.85 Km
Fockerby8.91 Km
Garthorpe8.98 Km
Reedness9.06 Km
Portington9.09 Km
Tollingham9.13 Km
Riplingham9.15 Km
Bursea9.19 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)

List of Historic places near to Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)

NameDistances from Broomfleet Railway Stn Railway Station (22001728)
North Newbald, St Nicholas Church9.60 Km
Rowley, St Peters Church11.42 Km
Normanby Hall11.76 Km
Howden Bishops Manor12.66 Km
Howden Minster12.81 Km
Cherry Burton, St Michaels Church14.32 Km
Market Weighton, All Saints Church14.32 Km