Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3) Location on a map of Bromsgrove

The Bromsgrove Bus Station is located on Crown Close in Bromsgrove Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, West Midlands.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3) by click this link. Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3) Map

Location informations for Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)

Name: Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)
Street: Crown Close
Locality: Bromsgrove
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Worcestershire
Region: West Midlands
Indicator: Stand 3
NaptanCode: wocdgdap (SMS Code)
AtcoCode: 2000G020302
Latitude : 52.3359
Longitude : -2.061038
DMS coordinates : 52°20'9.2405202" N 2°3'39.7361628" W
Current time and date at Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3) is 15:58:47 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3).

What is the nearest train station to Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)?

List of Railway Stations near to Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)
The nearest railway stations to Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)
Bromsgrove Station1.78 Km
Barnt Green Station5.43 Km
Alvechurch Station6.44 Km
Redditch Station8.53 Km
Longbridge Station8.64 Km
Droitwich Spa Station10.02 Km
Northfield Station10.31 Km
Hartlebury Station10.88 Km
Blakedown Station11.10 Km
Hagley Station11.24 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)?

List of Stops near to Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)
Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)0 m
Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 4)7 m
Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 2)9 m
Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 5)17 m
Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 1)20 m
Bus Station Bus Stop (arrivals)43 m
Bus Station Bus Stop (Stand 6)54 m
STOP CODE NOT USED Bus Stop (Adj)60 m
Recreation Road Bus Stop (opp)150 m
Wilson's Pet Store Bus Stop (adj)172 m

Cities or Towns near Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3) (15 km)

List of places near to Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)

Bromsgrove0.14 Km
Stoney Hill0.75 Km
Sidemoor0.90 Km
Red Cross1.29 Km
Perryfields1.41 Km
Charford1.47 Km
Slideslow1.60 Km
Aston Fields1.63 Km
Finstall1.99 Km
St Godwalds2.07 Km
Lickey End2.08 Km
Alfred's Well2.17 Km
Worms Ash2.33 Km
Park Gate2.48 Km
Burcot2.53 Km
Stoke Heath2.55 Km
Catshill2.78 Km
Upper Gambolds2.84 Km
Hall Flat3.06 Km
Tutnall3.06 Km
Stoke Pound3.06 Km
Vigo3.09 Km
Blackwell3.44 Km
Dodford3.46 Km
Bournheath3.49 Km
Copyholt3.51 Km
Stoke Wharf3.51 Km
Apes Dale3.53 Km
Linthurst3.53 Km
Upper Marlbrook3.63 Km
Upper Catshill3.67 Km
Timberhonger3.74 Km
Lower Marlbrook3.92 Km
Stoke Prior4.16 Km
Tardebigge4.30 Km
Wildmoor4.34 Km
Upton Warren4.53 Km
Lydiate Ash4.57 Km
Woodgate4.58 Km
Woodcote Green4.80 Km
Dordale4.82 Km
Cooksey Corner5.02 Km
Bank's Green5.04 Km
Henbrook5.25 Km
Cooksey Green5.30 Km
Harbours Hill5.39 Km
Piper's Hill5.40 Km
Sharpway Gate5.40 Km
Stoneybridge5.44 Km
Lickey5.54 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)

List of Historic places near to Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)

NameDistances from Bromsgrove Bus Station (Stand 3)
Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings2.50 Km
Rosedene3.64 Km
Hanbury, St Marys Church6.52 Km
Hanbury Hall7.27 Km
Chaddesley Corbett, St Cassians Church7.28 Km
Harvington Hall8.82 Km
Forge Mill Needle Museum8.89 Km
Hagley Hall10.60 Km
Selly Manor13.66 Km