Broadford Ferry Terminal Location on a map of Broadford

The Broadford Ferry Terminal is located on Off Hospital Road in Broadford. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Broadford Ferry Terminal by click this link. Broadford Ferry Terminal Map

Location informations for Broadford Ferry Terminal

Name: Broadford Ferry Terminal
Street: Off Hospital Road
Locality: Broadford
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Ferry
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9300BFD
Latitude : 57.247563
Longitude : -5.906155
DMS coordinates : 57°14'51.22643064" N 5°54'22.15792368" W
Current time and date at Broadford Ferry Terminal is 21:57:18 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Dublin)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Broadford Ferry Terminal

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Broadford Ferry Terminal.

What is the nearest train station to Broadford Ferry Terminal?

List of Railway Stations near to Broadford Ferry Terminal
The nearest railway stations to Broadford Ferry Terminal are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Broadford Ferry Terminal
Kyle Of Lochalsh Station12.11 Km
Duirinish Station15.22 Km
Plockton Station17.31 Km
Duncraig Station18.98 Km
Stromeferry Station24.30 Km
Mallaig Station27.26 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Broadford Ferry Terminal?

List of Stops near to Broadford Ferry Terminal
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Broadford Ferry Terminal are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Broadford Ferry Terminal
Broadford Ferry Terminal0 m
Hospital Bus Stop (o/s)380 m
Post Office Bus Stop (opp)661 m
Post Office Bus Stop (at)693 m
Crowlin Bar Bus Stop (opp)732 m
Primary School Bus Stop (o/s)879 m
Old Mill Rd End Bus Stop (at)1.13 Km
Caberfeidh Bar Bus Stop (o/s)1.23 Km
Hebridean Hotel Bus Stop (opp)1.68 Km
Waterloo Rd End Bus Stop (opp)1.85 Km

Cities or Towns near Broadford Ferry Terminal (15 km)

List of places near to Broadford Ferry Terminal

Corry0.23 Km
Broadford / An t-Àth Leathann0.71 Km
Limepark / Pairc an Aoil1.06 Km
Blackpark / A' Phairce Dhubh1.11 Km
Harrapool / Harrapul1.41 Km
Waterloo / Achadh a' Chùirn2.00 Km
Sgalamus / Skulamus2.65 Km
Lower Breakish / Breacais Ìosal3.19 Km
Breakish / Breacais Ard3.48 Km
Ashaig / Aisig4.40 Km
Strollamus / Stròlamas5.69 Km
Kilbride / Cille Bhrìghde6.49 Km
Dunan / An Dùnan6.78 Km
Heaste / Heasta6.91 Km
Torrin / Na Torrin7.46 Km
Ard Dorch / An Àird Dhorcha7.73 Km
Drumfearn / Druim Fhearna9.05 Km
Luib9.17 Km
Suisnish9.63 Km
Moll10.12 Km
Kyleakin / Caol Acain10.14 Km
Ord / An t-Òrd11.36 Km
Kirkibost11.71 Km
Kilmarie11.96 Km
Duisdalemore / DuisdeiI Mòr12.01 Km
Badicaul12.05 Km
Kyle of Lochalsh / Caol Loch Aillse12.24 Km
Duisdalebeg / Duisdeil Beag12.78 Km
North Fearns12.85 Km
Erbusaig13.05 Km
Tokavaig / Tòcabhaig13.07 Km
Isleornsay / Eilean Iarmain13.11 Km
Drinan13.42 Km
East Suisnish13.62 Km
Camascross / Camus Croise13.85 Km
Kylerhea / Caol Reatha14.46 Km
Inverarish14.54 Km
Sconser / Sgonnsair14.82 Km
Drumbuie14.85 Km
Peinachorrain / Peighinn a' Chorrain14.99 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Broadford Ferry Terminal

List of Historic places near to Broadford Ferry Terminal

NameDistances from Broadford Ferry Terminal
Cill Chriosd (Kilchrist Church)4.63 Km
Dunscaith Castle13.02 Km