Bridgend Map, Satellite view of Bridgend, Angus, Scotland

Bridgend is located in Angus County, Angus, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Bridgend

Latitude of city of Bridgend is 56.80446 and longitude of city of Bridgend is -2.75998. Bridgend has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Angus.
The County of Bridgend is Angus.

Postcode / zip code of Bridgend

DD9 7

Administrative division of Bridgend

County :Angus

GPS coordinates of Bridgend

Latitude : 56.80446
Longitude : -2.75998

Online Map of Bridgend - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Bridgend in the United Kingdom

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Bridgend weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Bridgend?

List of Railway Stations near to Bridgend
The nearest railway stations to Bridgend are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bridgend
Laurencekirk Station18.24 Km
Montrose Station20.29 Km
Arbroath Station29.17 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bridgend?

List of Stops near to Bridgend
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bridgend are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bridgend
Bridge of Lethnot Bus Stop (opp)21 m
Bridge of Lethnot Bus Stop (at)28 m
Primary School Bus Stop (at)123 m
Blairno Farm Bus Stop (at)569 m
Blairno Farm Bus Stop (opp)586 m
Tullo Road End Bus Stop (at)1.48 Km
Tullo Road End Bus Stop (opp)1.49 Km
Pitmudie Road End Bus Stop (at)1.62 Km
Pitmudie Road End Bus Stop (opp)1.62 Km
Oldtown Bus Stop (opp)1.71 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Bridgend

List of Historic places near to Bridgend

NameDistances from Bridgend
Brown Caterthun Fort2.38 Km
White Caterthun Fort2.54 Km
Lindsay Burial Aisle4.58 Km
Edzell Castle5.27 Km
Maison Dieu Chapel9.96 Km
Capo Long Barrow10.12 Km
Brechin Cathedral10.16 Km
Brechin Cathedral Round Tower10.22 Km
Brechin Castle10.29 Km
Finavon Doocot12.20 Km
Aberlemno Sculptured Stones12.86 Km
Fasque13.23 Km
Cities or Towns near Bridgend

List of places near to

Balfield0.61 Km
Tigerton3.94 Km
Kirkton of Menmuir3.96 Km
Balhall5.05 Km
Balrownie5.68 Km
Edzell6.38 Km
Gannochy6.66 Km
Little Brechin7.43 Km
Inchbare7.48 Km
Careston7.96 Km
Newtonmill8.18 Km
Edzell Woods8.23 Km
Stracathro8.25 Km
Fern8.53 Km
Auchnacree8.66 Km
Trinity9.01 Km
Mill of Marcus9.12 Km
Inch of Arnhall9.14 Km
Deuchar9.25 Km
Brechin10.07 Km
Noranside10.10 Km
Glenogil10.23 Km
Thornyhill10.62 Km
Netherton10.69 Km
Marcus11.07 Km
Brae of Pert11.15 Km
Cadger Path11.63 Km
Luthermuir11.72 Km
North Water Bridge11.75 Km
Finavon11.77 Km
Melgund11.77 Km
Mains of Melgund11.88 Km
Cairncross11.88 Km
Tannadice11.88 Km
Crosston11.91 Km
Leightonhill11.94 Km
Tarfside12.23 Km
Fettercairn12.43 Km
Milton of Finavon12.56 Km
Aberlemno12.75 Km
Sauchieburn12.80 Km
Logie Pert13.53 Km
Oathlaw13.56 Km
Carsegownie14.21 Km
Bogindollo14.37 Km
Memus14.40 Km
Kinnaird14.60 Km