Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road) Location on a map of Stondon Massey Brentwood

The Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop is located on Ongar Road in Stondon Massey Brentwood, Essex, South East. Vehicle travel North-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road) by click this link. Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road) Map

Location informations for Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)

Name: Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)
Street: Ongar Road
Near Place: Bricklayers Arms
Town: Stondon Massey
Locality: Stondon Massey
Parent Locality: Brentwood
Unitary Authority Area: Essex
Region: South East
Indicator: Opp Nine Ashes Road
Direction of Travel: North-West (NW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: esxgpdmj (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 1500210170Y1
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.67983
Bus Stop Longitude : 0.292178
DMS coordinates : 51°40'47.3876418" N 0°17'31.839272484" E
Current time and date at Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road) is 16:31:00 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road).

What is the nearest train station to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)?

List of Railway Stations near to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)
The nearest railway stations to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)
Shenfield Station6.03 Km
Ingatestone Station6.51 Km
Brentwood Station7.38 Km
Billericay Station10.40 Km
Harold Wood Station10.50 Km
Gidea Park Station12.41 Km
West Horndon Station12.88 Km
Emerson Park Station13.33 Km
Chelmsford Station13.68 Km
Upminster Station13.72 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)?

List of Stops near to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)
Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)0 m
Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (adj)7 m
Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (opp)57 m
Soames Mead Bus Stop (NE-bound)323 m
Tipps Cross Lane Bus Stop (opp)395 m
Tipps Cross Lane Bus Stop (adj)416 m
Hook End Lane Bus Stop (adj)555 m
Hook End Lane Bus Stop (opp)636 m
Hook End Bus Stop (SW-bound)662 m
Hook End Bus Stop (E-bound)671 m

Airports Near to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)

Stapleford Aerodrome , UK (9.88 Km)

North Weald Airport , UK (10.59 Km)

Cities or Towns near Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road) (15 km)

List of places near to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)

Stondon Green0.09 Km
Tip's Cross0.14 Km
Hook End0.54 Km
Stondon Massey0.77 Km
Clapgate0.97 Km
Paslow Wood Common1.54 Km
Wyatt's Green1.56 Km
Doddinghurst1.77 Km
Kelvedon Hatch2.14 Km
Fox Hatch2.16 Km
Peartree Green2.17 Km
Elkins Green2.22 Km
Blackmore2.25 Km
Nine Ashes2.43 Km
Hallsford Bridge2.96 Km
Swallows Cross3.09 Km
King Street3.12 Km
Doddinghurst Common3.20 Km
High Ongar3.50 Km
Marden Ash3.50 Km
Crow Green3.84 Km
Navestock Side4.02 Km
Norton Heath4.02 Km
Bentley4.04 Km
Chipping Ongar4.20 Km
Norton Mandeville4.26 Km
Green Street4.29 Km
Beggar Hill4.39 Km
Little End4.44 Km
Pilgrims' Hatch4.61 Km
Hare Street4.83 Km
Coxtie Green4.98 Km
Shelley5.08 Km
Mountnessing5.12 Km
Greensted5.20 Km
Stanford Rivers5.23 Km
Mill Green5.36 Km
Fryerning5.50 Km
Sabine's Green5.61 Km
Heybridge5.72 Km
Navestock Heath5.75 Km
Horseman Side5.84 Km
Cannon's Green5.89 Km
Pigstye Green6.03 Km
Shenfield6.04 Km
Clatterford End6.25 Km
Padham's Green6.36 Km
Radley Green6.44 Km
Loves Green6.48 Km
Fyfield6.53 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)

List of Historic places near to Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)

NameDistances from Bricklayers Arms Bus Stop (Opp Nine Ashes Road)
Greensted, St Andrews Church5.40 Km
Willingale Spain, St Andrews Church7.05 Km
Ingatestone Hall7.07 Km
Hill Hall9.67 Km
Hylands House10.62 Km
East Horndon, All Saints Church11.93 Km