Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop) Location on a map of Dewsbury

The Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop is located on Birkdale Road in Dewsbury Kirklees, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop) by click this link. Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop) Map

Location informations for Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)

Name: Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)
Street: Birkdale Road
Near Place: Batley School of Art & Design
Town: Dewsbury
Locality: Dewsbury
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: West Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: stop
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 45016277 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 450016277
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.698026
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.641537
DMS coordinates : 53°41'52.894059" N 1°38'29.53262904" W
Current time and date at Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop) is 19:44:34 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop).

What is the nearest train station to Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)?

List of Railway Stations near to Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)
The nearest railway stations to Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)
Dewsbury Station858 m
Batley Station1.80 Km
Ravensthorpe Station2.67 Km
Mirfield Station4.48 Km
Morley Station6.66 Km
Deighton Station7.98 Km
Cottingley Station8.53 Km
Outwood Station8.84 Km
Wakefield Westgate Station9.07 Km
Brighouse Station9.08 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)?

List of Stops near to Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)
Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)0 m
Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop12 m
Halifax Rd West Park Street Bus Stop169 m
Halifax Rd Oxford Road Bus Stop209 m
Halifax Rd Healds Road Bus Stop318 m
Halifax Road Kirklees College Bus Stop336 m
Birkdale Road Bus Stop349 m
Halifax Rd Upper Road Bus Stop360 m
Green Lane North Park St Bus Stop443 m
Upper Road Bus Stop465 m

Cities or Towns near Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop) (15 km)

List of places near to Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)

Westborough0.47 Km
Batley Carr0.61 Km
Boothroyd0.73 Km
Crackenedge0.79 Km
The Flatts0.86 Km
Daw Green1.03 Km
Eastborough1.04 Km
Clerk Green1.07 Km
Dewsbury1.15 Km
Dewsbury Moor1.17 Km
West Town1.23 Km
Mount Pleasant1.26 Km
Staincliffe1.29 Km
Hanging Heaton1.64 Km
Healey1.86 Km
Hill Top Estate1.86 Km
Batley1.90 Km
Savile Town2.05 Km
Earlsheaton2.14 Km
Thornhill Lees2.26 Km
Lamplands2.35 Km
Heckmondwike2.39 Km
Carlinghow2.41 Km
Ravensthorpe2.55 Km
Lower Soothill2.59 Km
Shaw Cross2.62 Km
Nunroyd2.70 Km
Flush2.85 Km
Westfield2.90 Km
Chidswell2.95 Km
Chickenley2.95 Km
Lower Popeley2.96 Km
Northorpe2.96 Km
White Lee2.99 Km
Upper Batley3.11 Km
Birstall Smithies3.37 Km
Mill Bridge3.39 Km
Brookroyd3.40 Km
Combs3.42 Km
Brown Hill3.47 Km
Towngate3.52 Km
Crossley Hill3.52 Km
Norristhorpe3.53 Km
Nook3.59 Km
Gawthorpe3.63 Km
Ossett Street Side3.63 Km
Sands3.70 Km
Brownhill End3.78 Km
Littletown3.81 Km
Overthorpe3.83 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)

List of Historic places near to Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)

NameDistances from Batley School of Art & Design Bus Stop (stop)
Bagshaw Museum3.38 Km
National Coal Mining Museum for England6.22 Km
Sandal Castle10.80 Km
National Media Museum12.77 Km
Leeds, St John the Evangelist13.14 Km
Colour Experience13.29 Km
Halifax, All Souls Church14.94 Km