The Bank of Scotland Bus Stop is located on B892 in Balivanich , Western Isles, Scotland. Vehicle travel South-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp) by click this link. Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp) Map
Name: | Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp) |
Street: | B892 |
Near Place: | Bank of Scotland |
Locality: | Balivanich |
Parent Locality: | |
Unitary Authority Area: | Western Isles |
Region: | Scotland |
Indicator: | opp |
Direction of Travel: | South-East (SE) |
Bus Stop NaptanCode: | 94726958 (SMS Code) |
Bus Stop AtcoCode: | 6010809 |
Bus Stop Latitude : | 57.473375 |
Bus Stop Longitude : | -7.37748 |
DMS coordinates : | 57°28'24.14850888" N 7°22'38.92960344" W |
Current time and date at Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp) is 16:08:50 (02/16/2025) : (Atlantic/Faroe) |
Stop Name | Distances from Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp) |
Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp) | 0 m |
Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (at) | 17 m |
Airport Road Bus Stop (W-bound) | 26 m |
Airport Road Bus Stop (E-bound) | 37 m |
McGillivrays Shop Bus Stop (at) | 210 m |
McGillivrays Shop Bus Stop (opp) | 215 m |
Benbecula Balivanich Airport | 332 m |
Benbecula Balivanich Airport (Entrance) | 338 m |
Airport Terminal Bus Stop (at) | 345 m |
Airport Terminal (Entrance) | 437 m |
Benbecula Airport , UK (1.23 Km)
List of places near to Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp)
List of Historic places near to Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp)
Name | Distances from Bank of Scotland Bus Stop (opp) |
Nunton Chapel (Teampall Mhuire) | 1.79 Km |
Gramsdale Standing Stones | 4.78 Km |
Borve Castle | 4.79 Km |
Trinity Chapel (Teampull na Trionaid) | 6.26 Km |
Dun Ban | 9.26 Km |
St Michaels Chapel, Kallin | 10.40 Km |
Pobull Fhinn Stone Circle | 11.63 Km |
Barpa Langass Chambered Cairn | 12.00 Km |
Beinn a Charra Standing Stone | 13.82 Km |