Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L) Location on a map of Merton Park London

The Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop is located on MARTIN WAY in Merton Park Merton, Greater London, London. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L) by click this link. Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L) Map

Location informations for Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)

Name: Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)
Near Place: ---
Locality: Merton Park
Parent Locality: London
Unitary Authority Area: Greater London
Region: London
Indicator: Stop L
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 49285 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 490003446E
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.402902
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.209776
DMS coordinates : 51°24'10.4468112" N 0°12'35.1937638" W
Current time and date at Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L) is 21:16:58 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L).

What is the nearest train station to Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)?

List of Railway Stations near to Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)
The nearest railway stations to Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)
South Merton Station320 m
Wimbledon Chase Station796 m
Morden South Station1.04 Km
Raynes Park Station1.58 Km
St.Helier Station1.64 Km
Wimbledon Station2.06 Km
Motspur Park Station2.24 Km
Haydons Road Station2.90 Km
New Malden Station3.20 Km
Sutton Common Station3.25 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)?

List of Stops near to Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)
Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)0 m
Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop F)49 m
St James Church Bus Stop (Stop G)247 m
St James Church Bus Stop (Stop K)257 m
South Merton Bus Stop (Stop E)267 m
South Merton Bus Stop (Stop M)304 m
South Merton Rail Station320 m
South Merton Rail Station (Entrance 1)336 m
Northway Bus Stop (Stop H)447 m
Cherrywood Lane Bus Stop (Stop J)506 m

Airports Near to Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)

London Heliport , UK (7.72 Km)

Cities or Towns near Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L) (15 km)

List of places near to Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)

Bushey Mead0.64 Km
Merton Park1.17 Km
Morden1.20 Km
Risley Close1.38 Km
Morden Park1.58 Km
Lower Morden1.69 Km
Raynes Park1.81 Km
South Wimbledon1.86 Km
Wimbledon1.96 Km
Cottenham Park2.01 Km
West Barnes2.09 Km
Merton2.19 Km
Crooked Billet2.37 Km
Rosehill2.59 Km
Copse Hill2.62 Km
St Helier2.68 Km
Collier's Wood2.69 Km
Mitcham2.72 Km
Motspur Park2.74 Km
Wimbledon Common2.78 Km
New Malden3.20 Km
Tooting Graveney3.42 Km
Worcester Park3.51 Km
Benhilton3.60 Km
Old Malden3.75 Km
Summerstown3.76 Km
North Cheam3.83 Km
Coombe3.91 Km
Beddington Corner3.93 Km
The Wrythe4.01 Km
Worcester Park4.12 Km
Tooting Bec4.14 Km
Tooting4.17 Km
Wimbledon Park4.30 Km
Furzedown4.43 Km
Sutton4.47 Km
Hackbridge4.52 Km
Kingston Vale4.66 Km
Earlsfield4.79 Km
Putney Vale4.82 Km
Southfields4.96 Km
Stoneleigh5.13 Km
Streatham Vale5.13 Km
Upper Tooting5.17 Km
Berrylands5.20 Km
Tooting Bec Common5.28 Km
Streatham Park5.30 Km
Cheam5.35 Km
Carshalton5.40 Km
Tolworth5.50 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Ashridge Way South Merton Bus Stop (Stop L)