Abergavenny Rail Station Location on a map of Abergavenny

The Abergavenny Rail Station is located in Abergavenny. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Abergavenny Rail Station by click this link. Abergavenny Rail Station Map

Location informations for Abergavenny Rail Station

Name: Abergavenny Rail Station
Street: -
Locality: Abergavenny
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Rail
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9100ABRGVNY
Latitude : 51.81669
Longitude : -3.009647
DMS coordinates : 51°49'0.08336028" N 3°0'34.72847604" W
Current time and date at Abergavenny Rail Station is 02:17:34 (12/19/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Abergavenny Rail Station

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Abergavenny Rail Station.

What is the nearest train station to Abergavenny Rail Station?

List of Railway Stations near to Abergavenny Rail Station
The nearest railway stations to Abergavenny Rail Station are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Abergavenny Rail Station
Abergavenny Station0 m
Pontypool and New Inn Station13.21 Km
Ebbw Vale Town Station13.99 Km
Ebbw Vale Parkway Station14.43 Km
Llanhilleth Station15.56 Km
Cwmbran Station17.81 Km
Newbridge Station19.12 Km
Brithdir Station19.16 Km
Tir-Phil Station19.46 Km
Pontlottyn Station20.10 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Abergavenny Rail Station?

List of Stops near to Abergavenny Rail Station
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Abergavenny Rail Station are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Abergavenny Rail Station
Abergavenny Rail Station0 m
Station Bus Stop (o/s)30 m
Abergavenny Rail Station (East Entrance)39 m
Abergavenny Rail Station (Side Entrance)42 m
Abergavenny Rail Station (Main Entrance)55 m
Abergavenny Rail Station (West Entrance)67 m
Station Road Bus Stop (nr)209 m
Belmont Crescent Bus Stop (opp 15)231 m
Hollywell Crescent Bus Stop (o/s 29)348 m
Hollywell Crescent Bus Stop (o/s 80)364 m

Cities or Towns near Abergavenny Rail Station (15 km)

List of places near to Abergavenny Rail Station

Abergavenny / Y Fenni0.84 Km
Grofield1.29 Km
Pen-y-Pound1.35 Km
Llanfoist / Llanffwyst1.68 Km
Cantref1.72 Km
Mardy2.24 Km
Llanellen2.64 Km
Llantilio Pertholey / Llandeilo Bertholau2.77 Km
Llwyn-du2.88 Km
Beili-glas3.10 Km
Croes-Hywel3.12 Km
Llanwenarth3.13 Km
Govilon3.87 Km
Brynygwenin4.22 Km
Penpergwm4.28 Km
Penpergym4.31 Km
Pantygelli4.39 Km
Llangattock Nigh Usk / Llangatwg Dyffryn Wysg4.66 Km
Llanddewi Rhydderch4.79 Km
Llanddewi Skirrid4.98 Km
Twyn-Allws4.99 Km
Llanover5.42 Km
Coed Morgan5.54 Km
Bettws5.74 Km
Llanvihangel Gobion5.79 Km
Gilwern5.80 Km
Upper Common5.91 Km
Lower Common5.96 Km
Tyla5.98 Km
Twyn Wenallt6.03 Km
Llanfable / Llanvapley6.06 Km
Rhyd-y-meirch6.18 Km
Pen-y-bont6.38 Km
Rifle Green6.45 Km
Upper Coedcae6.47 Km
Pencroesoped6.52 Km
Crossways6.61 Km
Middle Coedcae6.73 Km
Llanvetherine / Llanwytherin6.78 Km
Croes Llanfair6.79 Km
Blaenavon6.83 Km
Maesygwartha6.99 Km
Glangrwyney7.04 Km
Forest Coal Pit7.18 Km
Blaenavon Junction7.35 Km
Llanvihangel Crucorney7.38 Km
Llanelly / Llanelli7.39 Km
Caggle Street7.42 Km
Llanarth / Llannarth7.49 Km
Pit7.50 Km