Yelford Map, Satellite view of Yelford, Oxfordshire, England

Yelford is located in Oxfordshire County, West Oxfordshire District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Yelford

Latitude of city of Yelford is 51.73951 and longitude of city of Yelford is -1.48066. Yelford has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Oxfordshire.
The County of Yelford is Oxfordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Yelford

OX29 7

Administrative division of Yelford

County :Oxfordshire

GPS coordinates of Yelford

Latitude : 51.73951
Longitude : -1.48066

Online Map of Yelford - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Yelford?

List of Railway Stations near to Yelford
The nearest railway stations to Yelford are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Yelford
Combe Station11.94 Km
Hanborough Station12.04 Km
Finstock Station12.62 Km
Oxford Station14.58 Km
Charlbury Station14.79 Km
Ascott-Under-Wychwood Station15.33 Km
Oxford Parkway Station15.90 Km
Shipton Station16.00 Km
Radley Station17.58 Km
Islip Station19.24 Km

Airports Near to Yelford

RAF Brize Norton , UK (7.18 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Yelford?

List of Stops near to Yelford
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Yelford are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Yelford
Crossroads Bus Stop (E-bound)1.76 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop (W-bound)1.77 Km
Hardwick Turn Bus Stop (opp)2.11 Km
Hardwick Turn Bus Stop (o/s)2.12 Km
Foxwood Bus Stop (opp)2.17 Km
Foxwood Bus Stop (adj)2.18 Km
A415 Junction Bus Stop (NE-bound)2.43 Km
A415 Junction Bus Stop (SW-bound)2.45 Km
North Street Bus Stop (S-bound)2.46 Km
North Street Bus Stop (N-bound)2.47 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Yelford

List of Historic places near to Yelford

NameDistances from Yelford
Witney Bishops Palace4.58 Km
Witney, St Marys Church4.60 Km
Bampton, St Marys Church4.84 Km
Cogges Manor Farm Museum4.98 Km
Buckland, St Mary5.38 Km
South Leigh, St James the Great5.54 Km
Longworth, St Marys Church5.75 Km
Northmoor, St Denys Church6.40 Km
Black Bourton, St Marys7.33 Km
Minster Lovell Hall and Dovecote7.62 Km
Minster Lovell, St Kenelms Church7.63 Km
Clanfield, St Stephens Church7.99 Km
Kingston Bagpuize House8.31 Km
Hatford, St Georges Church9.09 Km
North Leigh, St Marys Church9.19 Km
Stanford in the Vale, St Denys9.61 Km
Asthall, St Nicholas Church9.88 Km
Shilton, Holy Rood Church10.03 Km
Charney Bassett, St Peters Church10.42 Km
Faringdon Folly10.91 Km
Swinbrook, St Mary the Virgin10.95 Km
Langford, St Matthew11.19 Km
Widford, St Oswalds Church11.36 Km
North Leigh Roman Villa11.38 Km
Faringdon, All Saints Church11.42 Km
Shellingford, St Faiths Church11.87 Km
Kelmscott, St George Church12.20 Km
Kelmscott Manor12.28 Km
Combe Longa, St Laurence Church12.45 Km
Cotswold Wildlife Park and Manor House12.61 Km
Stonesfield, St James the Great Church12.89 Km
Goosey, All Saints Church13.00 Km
Burford, St John the Baptist13.08 Km
Godstow Abbey13.22 Km
Bladon Church & Churchills Grave13.55 Km
North Hinksey Conduit House13.59 Km
Great Coxwell Barn13.96 Km
Blenheim Palace14.02 Km
Buscot Park14.08 Km
Great Coxwell, St Giles Church14.41 Km
Baulking, St Nicholas Church14.48 Km
Oxfordshire Museum14.77 Km
Buscot Old Parsonage14.82 Km
Charlbury Museum14.86 Km
Cities or Towns near Yelford

List of places near to

Cote2.16 Km
Aston2.50 Km
Hardwick2.54 Km
Brighthampton2.66 Km
Ducklington2.90 Km
Shifford2.91 Km
Lew3.49 Km
Chimney3.74 Km
Standlake4.03 Km
Rack End4.68 Km
Bampton4.72 Km
High Cogges4.74 Km
Cogges4.83 Km
Curbridge5.07 Km
Shores Green5.08 Km
South Leigh5.17 Km
Witney5.22 Km
Newbridge5.41 Km
Stanton Harcourt5.54 Km
Blackditch5.59 Km
Newland5.60 Km
Weald5.61 Km
Buckland Marsh5.74 Km
Woodgreen5.84 Km
Cowleaze Corner5.86 Km
Sutton5.98 Km
Moreton6.08 Km
Longworth6.12 Km
Hinton Waldrist6.16 Km
Northmoor6.18 Km
West End6.43 Km
Bushey Ground6.57 Km
Brize Norton6.60 Km
Carswell Marsh6.79 Km
Buckland6.86 Km
Barnard Gate7.28 Km
Charterville Allotments7.34 Km
Southmoor7.50 Km
Crawley7.56 Km
Minster Lovell7.57 Km
Black Bourton7.58 Km
Kingston Bagpuize7.64 Km
Poffley End7.72 Km
Little Minster7.76 Km
Clanfield7.89 Km
Pusey7.97 Km
Hailey8.07 Km
Carterton8.13 Km
New Yatt8.46 Km
Worsham8.50 Km