Winthorpe Map, Satellite view of Winthorpe, Nottinghamshire, England

Winthorpe is located in Nottinghamshire County, Newark and Sherwood District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Winthorpe

Latitude of city of Winthorpe is 53.10156 and longitude of city of Winthorpe is -0.78496. Winthorpe has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Nottinghamshire.
The County of Winthorpe is Nottinghamshire.

Postcode / zip code of Winthorpe

NG24 2

Administrative division of Winthorpe

County :Nottinghamshire

GPS coordinates of Winthorpe

Latitude : 53.10156
Longitude : -0.78496

Online Map of Winthorpe - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Winthorpe in the United Kingdom

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Winthorpe weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Winthorpe?

List of Railway Stations near to Winthorpe
The nearest railway stations to Winthorpe are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Winthorpe
Newark North Gate Station2.42 Km
Newark Castle Station3.05 Km
Collingham Station5.26 Km
Rolleston Station8.66 Km
Swinderby Station9.34 Km
Fiskerton Station9.66 Km
Bleasby Station12.54 Km
Thurgarton Station14.34 Km
Hykeham Station16.12 Km
Elton and Orston Station17.27 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Winthorpe?

List of Stops near to Winthorpe
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Winthorpe are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Winthorpe
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop41 m
Holme Lane Bus Stop (adj)59 m
Holme Lane Bus Stop (opp)69 m
Woodlands Bus Stop (opp)435 m
Woodlands Bus Stop (adj)446 m
Winthorpe Turn Bus Stop (N-bound)724 m
Winthorpe Turn Bus Stop (S-bound)725 m
Mastercare -CUS- Bus Stop (Mastercare)1.02 Km
Winthorpe Road Bus Stop (adj)1.07 Km
Stephen Road Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.15 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Winthorpe

List of Historic places near to Winthorpe

NameDistances from Winthorpe
Newark on Trent, St Mary Magdalene Church3.19 Km
Newark Castle3.36 Km
Cotham, St Michaels Church9.36 Km
Elston Chapel9.64 Km
The Workhouse10.49 Km
Low Marnham, St Wilfrids Church12.76 Km
Aubourn Hall12.85 Km
Somerton Castle14.13 Km
Fulbeck Manor14.86 Km
Cities or Towns near Winthorpe

List of places near to

Langford2.37 Km
South Muskham2.48 Km
North Muskham2.69 Km
Holme2.69 Km
Beacon Hill2.81 Km
Coddington3.08 Km
Newark-on-Trent3.24 Km
Brough3.41 Km
Little Carlton3.55 Km
Kelham4.12 Km
Bathley4.20 Km
New Balderton4.52 Km
Balderton5.15 Km
Cromwell5.18 Km
Collingham5.40 Km
Averham5.55 Km
Barnby in the Willows6.03 Km
Hawton6.23 Km
Fernwood6.31 Km
Norwell6.58 Km
Farndon6.65 Km
Staythorpe6.66 Km
Stapleford6.81 Km
Averham Park6.97 Km
Beckingham7.37 Km
Carlton-on-Trent7.52 Km
Caunton7.53 Km
Norton Disney7.62 Km
Knapthorpe7.65 Km
Sutton7.84 Km
South Scarle7.99 Km
Besthorpe8.09 Km
Upton8.09 Km
Rolleston8.22 Km
Thorpe8.26 Km
Swinderby8.48 Km
Claypole8.62 Km
Fenton8.80 Km
East Stoke9.28 Km
Carlton-le-Moorland9.28 Km
Norwell Woodhouse9.30 Km
Sutton on Trent9.35 Km
Witham St Hughs9.37 Km
Girton9.41 Km
Fiskerton9.51 Km
Morton Hall9.71 Km
Stubton9.76 Km
Hockerton9.79 Km
Ossington9.81 Km
Weecar9.82 Km