Wildridings Map, Satellite view of Wildridings, Berkshire, England

Wildridings is located in Berkshire County, Bracknell Forest, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Wildridings

Latitude of city of Wildridings is 51.40679 and longitude of city of Wildridings is -0.75906. Wildridings has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Berkshire.
The County of Wildridings is Berkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Wildridings

RG12 7

Administrative division of Wildridings

County :Berkshire

GPS coordinates of Wildridings

Latitude : 51.40679
Longitude : -0.75906

Online Map of Wildridings - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Wildridings in the United Kingdom

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Wildridings weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Wildridings?

List of Railway Stations near to Wildridings
The nearest railway stations to Wildridings are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Wildridings
Bracknell Station866 m
Martins Heron Station2.41 Km
Ascot Station5.77 Km
Wokingham Station5.81 Km
Crowthorne Station6.11 Km
Bagshot Station6.79 Km
Sandhurst Station7.37 Km
Camberley Station7.90 Km
Blackwater Station8.45 Km
Winnersh Station8.58 Km

Airports Near to Wildridings

White Waltham Airfield , UK (10.51 Km)

Blackbushe Airport , UK (11.07 Km)

Farnborough Airport , UK (14.61 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Wildridings?

List of Stops near to Wildridings
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Wildridings are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Wildridings
Mays Croft Bus Stop (opp)158 m
Mays Croft Bus Stop (adj)218 m
Wildridings Square Taxi Rank (taxi rank)229 m
Deepdale Bus Stop (on)309 m
Alice Gough Bus Stop (opp)329 m
Alice Gough Bus Stop (adj)336 m
Rectory Row Taxi Rank (taxi rank)346 m
Saffron Road Bus Stop (Opp)375 m
Saffron Road Bus Stop (adj)388 m
Swancote Green Bus Stop (opp)412 m

Historic Places to Visit near Wildridings
Cities or Towns near Wildridings

List of places near to

Easthampstead0.41 Km
Skimpedhill0.88 Km
Bracknell1.23 Km
Harmans Water1.57 Km
Crown Wood1.62 Km
Farleywood1.64 Km
Great Hollands1.65 Km
Birch Hill1.67 Km
Hanworth1.77 Km
Priestwood1.88 Km
Wick Hill1.95 Km
Amen Corner2.07 Km
Bullbrook2.17 Km
Forest Park2.25 Km
Popeswood2.37 Km
The Warren2.39 Km
Temple Park2.49 Km
Martin's Heron2.78 Km
West End3.11 Km
Newell Green3.13 Km
Whitegrove3.14 Km
Cabbage Hill3.24 Km
Binfield3.49 Km
Chavey Down3.50 Km
Holme Green3.62 Km
Gardeners Green4.09 Km
Warfield4.31 Km
Winkfield Row4.33 Km
Moss End4.45 Km
Broadmoor Estate4.48 Km
Tickleback Row4.48 Km
Dowlesgreen4.52 Km
Brockhill4.59 Km
Billingbear4.61 Km
North Ascot4.72 Km
Heathlands4.78 Km
Crowthorne4.83 Km
Wokingham5.14 Km
Jealott's Hill5.16 Km
Chapel Green5.26 Km
Maiden's Green5.26 Km
Nuptown5.41 Km
Ravenswood Village Settlement5.42 Km
Winkfield5.79 Km
Ascot5.82 Km
Hawthorn Hill5.84 Km
Winkfield Street5.98 Km
Eastheath5.98 Km
South Ascot6.07 Km
Matthewsgreen6.09 Km