Whitecote Map, Satellite view of Whitecote, West Yorkshire, England

Whitecote is located in West Yorkshire County, Leeds District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Whitecote

Latitude of city of Whitecote is 53.82420 and longitude of city of Whitecote is -1.62930. Whitecote has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Whitecote is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Whitecote

LS5 3

Administrative division of Whitecote

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Whitecote

Latitude : 53.82420
Longitude : -1.62930

Online Map of Whitecote - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Whitecote in the United Kingdom

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Whitecote weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Whitecote?

List of Railway Stations near to Whitecote
The nearest railway stations to Whitecote are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Whitecote
Kirkstall Forge Station450 m
Bramley (West Yorkshire) Station2.16 Km
Headingley Station2.41 Km
Horsforth Station2.61 Km
Burley Park Station3.64 Km
New Pudsey Station4.03 Km
Apperley Bridge Station5.39 Km
Leeds Station6.21 Km
Cottingley Station6.84 Km
Guiseley Station8.05 Km

Airports Near to Whitecote

Leeds Bradford Airport , UK (5.07 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Whitecote?

List of Stops near to Whitecote
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Whitecote are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Whitecote
Kirkstall Forge Rail Station450 m
Leeds Bradford Road Ganners Hill Bus Stop (opp)451 m
Leeds Bradford Road Ganners Hill Bus Stop (adj)460 m
Ganners Way Ganners Hill Bus Stop509 m
St Catherines Dr Ganners Hill Bus Stop (at)522 m
Leeds & Bradford Rd Pollard Lane Bus Stop (after)542 m
New Rd Side Hawksworth Road Bus Stop548 m
New Rd Side Hawksworth Road Bus Stop (adj)552 m
Ganners Way Ganners Walk Bus Stop (opp)553 m
St Catherines Drive St Catherines Hill Bus Stop561 m

Historic Places to Visit near Whitecote

List of Historic places near to Whitecote

NameDistances from Whitecote
Leeds, St John the Evangelist6.35 Km
Colour Experience9.08 Km
National Media Museum9.12 Km
Harewood House10.47 Km
Harewood, All Saints10.49 Km
Bagshaw Museum10.71 Km
Farnley Hall11.25 Km
Temple Newsam House11.99 Km
Stainburn, St Marys Church12.50 Km
Cities or Towns near Whitecote

List of places near to

Moorside0.45 Km
Newlay0.58 Km
Cragg Hill0.84 Km
Sandford0.99 Km
Hawksworth1.21 Km
Horsforth Woodside1.50 Km
Horsforth1.67 Km
Kirkstall1.68 Km
Bramley1.72 Km
Intake1.78 Km
Bradley Hill1.87 Km
New Scarbro2.00 Km
West Park2.11 Km
Rodley2.20 Km
Swinnow2.20 Km
Farsley Beck Bottom2.23 Km
Half Mile2.36 Km
Tannery Yard2.41 Km
Troy2.54 Km
Swinnow Moor2.74 Km
Gamble Hill2.82 Km
Hough End2.86 Km
Lawnswood2.94 Km
Tinshill2.97 Km
Upper Armley3.02 Km
Park Spring3.02 Km
Farsley3.06 Km
Ireland Wood3.10 Km
Beechwood3.15 Km
Wellroyd3.15 Km
Hough Side3.17 Km
Low Farm3.24 Km
Stanningley3.24 Km
Weetwood3.28 Km
Far Headingley3.33 Km
Headingley3.48 Km
Crimbles3.55 Km
Rawdon Carrs3.60 Km
Burley3.76 Km
Pudsey3.78 Km
Silver Royd Hill3.78 Km
Carr Crofts3.79 Km
Scotland3.83 Km
Farnley3.84 Km
Tinshill Moor3.88 Km
Calverley3.98 Km
Armley4.03 Km
Headingley Hill4.04 Km
Troydale4.08 Km
Littlemoor Bottom4.09 Km