West Thirston Map, Satellite view of West Thirston, Northumberland, England

West Thirston is located in Northumberland County, Northumberland, North East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of West Thirston

Latitude of city of West Thirston is 55.29331 and longitude of city of West Thirston is -1.71315. West Thirston has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Northumberland.
The County of West Thirston is Northumberland.

Postcode / zip code of West Thirston

NE65 9

Administrative division of West Thirston

County :Northumberland

GPS coordinates of West Thirston

Latitude : 55.29331
Longitude : -1.71315

Online Map of West Thirston - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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West Thirston weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to West Thirston?

List of Railway Stations near to West Thirston
The nearest railway stations to West Thirston are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from West Thirston
Acklington Station4.17 Km
Widdrington Station8.42 Km
Alnmouth Station12.07 Km
Pegswood Station13.53 Km
Morpeth Station14.68 Km
Cramlington Station23.98 Km
Chathill Station27.07 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to West Thirston?

List of Stops near to West Thirston
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to West Thirston are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from West Thirston
Thirston Road End Bus Stop (N-bound)37 m
Thirston Road End Bus Stop (S-bound)48 m
Felton Bridge Bus Stop (S-bound)350 m
Felton Bridge Bus Stop (N-bound)364 m
Gallery 45 Bus Stop (opp)617 m
Gallery 45 Bus Stop (nr)631 m
Davison Avenue Bus Stop (nr)878 m
Davison Avenue Bus Stop (opp)977 m
West Moor Bus Stop (N-bound)1.38 Km
West Moor Bus Stop (S-bound)1.41 Km

Historic Places to Visit near West Thirston

List of Historic places near to West Thirston

NameDistances from West Thirston
Brinkburn Priory6.59 Km
Warkworth Castle Hermitage8.34 Km
Warkworth Castle8.65 Km
Warkworth, St Lawrence Church8.90 Km
Cragside11.20 Km
Edlingham, St John the Baptist Church11.45 Km
Edlingham Castle11.72 Km
Alnwick Castle13.58 Km
Bailiffgate Museum, Alnwick13.68 Km
Alnwick, St Michaels Church13.74 Km
Alnwick Abbey Gatehouse14.15 Km
Morpeth Castle14.43 Km
Cartington Castle14.94 Km
Cities or Towns near West Thirston

List of places near to

Felton0.50 Km
East Thirston1.24 Km
Old Swarland2.82 Km
Eshott3.10 Km
Burgham3.17 Km
Swarland3.86 Km
Acklington4.39 Km
Hazon4.66 Km
Weldon4.74 Km
Guyzance4.90 Km
West Chevington5.25 Km
Longframlington5.31 Km
Maiden's Hall5.37 Km
Newton on the Moor5.39 Km
Causey Park Bridge5.56 Km
North End5.65 Km
Broomhill6.39 Km
Longhorsley6.39 Km
Togston6.44 Km
South Broomhill6.56 Km
Glantlees6.72 Km
Hampeth6.78 Km
Healey Cote6.82 Km
Red Row6.96 Km
Hadston7.01 Km
North Togston7.19 Km
Stobswood7.63 Km
Eastfield Hall7.76 Km
Tritlington7.79 Km
Fenrother7.92 Km
Widdrington8.20 Km
Widdrington Station8.23 Km
Low Buston8.63 Km
Shilbottle8.79 Km
Radcliffe8.81 Km
Warkworth8.81 Km
Shilbottle Grange8.82 Km
Church Side8.91 Km
The Butts8.92 Km
Ulgham9.11 Km
Amble9.30 Km
Birling9.33 Km
The Lee9.66 Km
Wingates9.88 Km
High Buston10.00 Km
High Hauxley10.06 Km
Hebron10.28 Km
Low Hauxley10.68 Km
Rugley10.70 Km
Stanton11.20 Km