Waverledge Map, Satellite view of Waverledge, Lancashire, England

Waverledge is located in Lancashire County, Hyndburn District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Waverledge

Latitude of city of Waverledge is 53.78057 and longitude of city of Waverledge is -2.41133. Waverledge has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Lancashire.
The County of Waverledge is Lancashire.

Postcode / zip code of Waverledge

BB6 7

Administrative division of Waverledge

County :Lancashire

GPS coordinates of Waverledge

Latitude : 53.78057
Longitude : -2.41133

Online Map of Waverledge - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Waverledge in the United Kingdom

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Waverledge weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Waverledge?

List of Railway Stations near to Waverledge
The nearest railway stations to Waverledge are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Waverledge
Rishton Station1.95 Km
Church and Oswaldtwistle Station3.59 Km
Langho Station3.65 Km
Accrington Station4.12 Km
Huncoat Station4.30 Km
Ramsgreave and Wilpshire Station4.39 Km
Whalley Station4.83 Km
Blackburn Station5.85 Km
Hapton Station6.20 Km
Mill Hill (Lancashire) Station7.78 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Waverledge?

List of Stops near to Waverledge
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Waverledge are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Waverledge
Shakespeare Ave Bus Stop (by)18 m
Shakespeare Ave Bus Stop (adj)27 m
Cemetery Bus Stop (opp)136 m
Cemetery Bus Stop (by)140 m
Shelley Gardens Bus Stop (by)189 m
Waverledge Road Bus Stop (by)193 m
Shelley Gardens Bus Stop (opp)197 m
Lord Street Bus Stop (by)284 m
Wordsworth Drive Bus Stop (adj)363 m
Wordsworth Drive Bus Stop (by)371 m

Cities or Towns near Waverledge

List of places near to

Tottleworth0.57 Km
Great Harwood0.64 Km
Edge End0.73 Km
Hindle Fold0.98 Km
Lower Fold1.00 Km
Cliffe1.28 Km
Rishton1.48 Km
Oakenshaw1.51 Km
Hyndburn Bridge1.72 Km
Clayton-le-Moors1.96 Km
Harwood Bar2.01 Km
Enfield2.71 Km
Dill Hall2.85 Km
Peel Bank3.07 Km
Church3.12 Km
Cote Holme3.29 Km
Laneside3.45 Km
West End3.49 Km
Alleytroyds3.50 Km
Milnshaw3.52 Km
Whalley Banks3.55 Km
Langho3.59 Km
Whitebirk3.67 Km
Foxhill Bank3.70 Km
Sunny Bower3.73 Km
Bank Hey3.84 Km
Stanhill3.91 Km
Spring Hill3.95 Km
Waterloo4.00 Km
Little Harwood4.02 Km
Billington4.17 Km
Lower Fold4.21 Km
Brownhill4.30 Km
Hole House4.31 Km
Altham4.32 Km
Green Bank4.34 Km
Knuzden Brook4.35 Km
Oswaldtwistle4.37 Km
Accrington4.38 Km
Within Grove4.41 Km
Scaitcliffe4.42 Km
Cob Wall4.43 Km
Little Moor End4.46 Km
Intack4.49 Km
Daisyfield4.51 Km
Dunnyshop4.53 Km
Wilpshire4.55 Km
Hillock Vale4.57 Km
Bastwell4.61 Km
Huncoat4.64 Km