Waltham Map, Satellite view of Waltham, Lincolnshire, England

Waltham is located in Lincolnshire County, North East Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Waltham

Latitude of city of Waltham is 53.51671 and longitude of city of Waltham is -0.09972. Waltham has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Lincolnshire.
The County of Waltham is Lincolnshire.

Postcode / zip code of Waltham

DN37 0

Administrative division of Waltham

County :Lincolnshire

GPS coordinates of Waltham

Latitude : 53.51671
Longitude : -0.09972

Online Map of Waltham - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Waltham in the United Kingdom

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Waltham weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Waltham?

List of Railway Stations near to Waltham
The nearest railway stations to Waltham are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Waltham
Grimsby Town Station5.26 Km
Grimsby Docks Station6.60 Km
Cleethorpes Station6.85 Km
Great Coates Station6.87 Km
New Clee Station6.91 Km
Healing Station8.28 Km
Stallingborough Station9.59 Km
Habrough Station14.98 Km
Ulceby Station17.50 Km
Thornton Abbey Station21.24 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Waltham?

List of Stops near to Waltham
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Waltham are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Waltham
Kirkgate Bus Stop (o/s 16)102 m
Church Lane Bus Stop (opp)120 m
Church Lane Bus Stop (adj)144 m
The Kings Head Bus Stop (o/s)153 m
Cheapside Bus Stop (o/s 7)200 m
Ings Lane Bus Stop (opp)248 m
Brigsley Road Bus Stop (o/s 6)272 m
Brigsley Road Bus Stop (opp 6)283 m
Brian Avenue Bus Stop (opp)306 m
Ings Lane Bus Stop (adj)315 m

Historic Places to Visit near Waltham

List of Historic places near to Waltham

NameDistances from Waltham
Waithe, St Martins Church3.96 Km
Yarburgh, St John the Baptist Church13.98 Km
Cities or Towns near Waltham

List of places near to

Brigsley2.13 Km
Scartho2.15 Km
New Waltham2.68 Km
Barnoldby le Beck2.70 Km
Holton le Clay2.73 Km
Ashby cum Fenby3.17 Km
Bradley3.40 Km
Nunsthorpe3.62 Km
Ashby Hill3.86 Km
Waithe3.91 Km
Grange4.17 Km
Bradley4.33 Km
Laceby Acres4.67 Km
Wellow4.74 Km
Grainsby4.78 Km
East Ravendale4.84 Km
Weelsby4.88 Km
Littlefield5.01 Km
Yarborough5.15 Km
Humberston5.16 Km
Laceby5.33 Km
Holme Hill5.42 Km
Little Coates5.42 Km
Grimsby5.48 Km
Old Clee5.65 Km
West Ravendale5.68 Km
Hatcliffe5.71 Km
Beelsby5.79 Km
Hawerby5.86 Km
Wybers Wood5.89 Km
West Marsh5.91 Km
Tetney6.06 Km
The Willows6.17 Km
North Thoresby6.29 Km
East Marsh6.30 Km
Grant Thorold6.47 Km
Irby Upon Humber6.61 Km
Cleethorpes6.74 Km
Great Coates6.80 Km
Aylesby6.91 Km
Beesby7.04 Km
Wold Newton7.11 Km
Pyewipe7.14 Km
Humberston Fitties7.45 Km
Cadeby8.01 Km
Thorganby8.15 Km
Tetney Lock8.19 Km
Healing8.25 Km
Swallow8.44 Km
Riby8.56 Km